
  • 网络Physical Oceanography
  1. 黄海物理海洋学的主要特征

    Major Features of the Physical Oceanography in the Yellow Sea

  2. 科学计算可视化作为新一代的分析工具,正在进入物理海洋学领域。

    Scientific visualization is coming into physical oceanography as a new analysis tool .

  3. 研究了深度基准面模型的建立方法,主要利用物理海洋学的海洋数值模式来进行解算。

    The methods to build depth datum modeling were studied .

  4. 普里兹湾附近物理海洋学研究进展

    Progress in physical oceanographic studies of Prydz Bay and its adjacent oceanic area

  5. 2002年国外物理海洋学研究主要进展

    Overseas advances in physical oceanography studies in 2002

  6. 海洋科学的一个主要分枝,物理海洋学,有为数众多的未解之题。

    One main branch of sea science , physical oceanography , holds enormous unanswered questions .

  7. 应用科学计算可视化技术于海洋学研究在中国尚不多见。本文试图将这一技术引入物理海洋学领域。

    This paper addresses introduction of scientific visualization technology into the research on physical oceanography .

  8. 海浪是人们最熟悉的海洋现象,也是物理海洋学的一个重要研究领域。

    The ocean wave is a very familiar phenomenon and an important field in physical oceanography .

  9. 物理海洋学专业的科研情况黄海物理海洋学的主要特征

    BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE SPECIALITY OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY Major Features of the Physical Oceanography in the Yellow Sea

  10. 总之,台风与海洋工程学、物理海洋学和海洋生物学等学科有着密切的联系。

    In words , strong winds have a close relation with oceanic engineering , physical oceanography and marine biology .

  11. 走航观测、遥感、理论解和数值模型是物理海洋学研究的重要手段。

    In-situ observation , remote sensing , analytic and numerical models are all important tools in physical oceanography research .

  12. 其主要内容包括:1.开展普里兹湾及其邻近海域物理海洋学研究的科学意义;

    The main contents of the paper are : 1 . scientific significances for studying the physical oceanography of Prydz Bay and its adjacent ocean ;

  13. 海洋微波遥感是物理海洋学与电动力学的交叉学科,海表面参量反演模式的研究成果在海洋监测领域具有极大的应用前景。

    Passive microwave remote sensing of ocean surface is an intercross subject with oceanography and electromagnetic dynamics , which is extremely useful for marine and environment monitoring .

  14. 此结果弥补了物理海洋学方法对海洋环境要素小尺度预报精度的不足,为船舶航行提供全域背景和信息决策指导。

    This results can compensate the precision shortcomings of the forecast results by physical oceanography method and could be the guidance of whole information background for ship navigation .

  15. 海洋沉积动力学正在打破传统,走向海洋工程学、物理海洋学和地质学的联合,共同建立一门综合性的、统一的沉积动力学。

    Significant progress in the establishment of a unified marine sediment dynamics has been made through the joint effort by physical oceanographers , coastal engineers and marine geologists .

  16. 潮位是海洋水文学的基本要素,是物理海洋学的重要的研究内容,是变化最快最大要素之一。

    Tidal level , a basic element of the marine hydrology , one of the biggest and faster changing factors , is a important content of the physical oceanography .

  17. 本文主要利用近三十年来的文献资料,概述了普里兹湾及其邻近洋区物理海洋学研究的进展。

    Based on the literature mainly published in the recent 30 years , this paper summarizes the progress in physical oceanographic studies of Prydz Bay and its adjacent Oceanic area .

  18. 海洋内部混合是物理海洋学中一个十分重要且发展迅速的研究内容,已成为制约诸如海洋环流、锋面、跃层等动力学研究发展的关键,逐渐受到更多学者的关注。

    Ocean mixing has become an important and fast-developing field in physical oceanography , and become the choke point which restricts the prediction of the circulation , front and thermocline .

  19. 水团分析一直是物理海洋学的重要的研究领域,其主要的研究工作是水团边界的识别和子水团的划分。

    Water mass analysis , the primary tasks of which are the boundary recognition of water mass and the water mass division , is always an important research area of the oceanographic .

  20. 结果获得了三只绿海龟海上迁徙过程实时定位及其环境测量数据,这对于制订海龟保护策略和物理海洋学研究有重要意义。

    We obtained the positions of the post nesting migrant routes of three green turtles and environment data , which were important in conservation of green turtles and the research of physical oceanography .

  21. 海底地形是海洋地质学、海洋地球物理学、物理海洋学和海洋生物学等研究的基础资料,是影响海洋要素分布的重要因素之一。

    Submarine landform is the basic information of marine geology , marine geophysics , oceanography and marine biology research and is one of the important factors which affect the distribution of marine constituents .

  22. 海洋内波与海洋水声学、海洋生物学、物理海洋学和军事海洋学等学科有着密切的联系,因而受到各国政府和海洋学家的普遍关注。

    Ocean internal waves is in close relationship with marine acoustics , marine biology , physical oceanography and military oceanography , so it is paid widespread attention to by every government and oceanographer .

  23. 另外海表及次表层气泡在物理海洋学研究中也有重要的作用,会影响海气之间的热量交换。

    Meanwhile , Bubble size distributions in the surface and subsurface layers of the oceans are of considerable importance in physical oceanography . Bubbles play a crucial role in several important air-sea interactive processes .

  24. 环境海洋学的发展受益于物理海洋学的数值模拟和数值预报的成果,数值模型成为研究海洋学领域的重要工具。与此同时,随着计算机软硬件的发展,出现了一些科学计算可视化的先进手段。

    The development of environmental oceanography benefits from the achievements of numerical simulation and numerical forecasting , and numerical model has become an important tool of ocean research . Meanwhile , some advanced method of scientific visualization came out with the development of computer soft and hardware .

  25. 讨论了负荷潮研究在地球物理和海洋学方面的一些应用。

    The problem of applying the research of load tide to Geophysics and Oceanography are discussed .