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  • 网络species evolution
  1. 他的工作是研究物种进化。

    His job is to study the evolution of species .

  2. G蛋白在物种进化过程中具有高度保守性,不同的G蛋白有不同的基因编码。

    Protein G possesses high conservatism during species evolution and different protein G has different gene code .

  3. A,B和C基因组之间的比较基因组结果表明:这3个基因组是由更加原始物种进化而来的。

    The results of comparative genomics showed that A , B and C genomes were all originated from a common ancestral genome .

  4. Toll样受体(Tolllikereceptors,TLRs)是果蝇Toll的同系物,它们广泛存在于植物及动物体内,是物种进化保留下来的保守序列。

    The mammalian Toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) are homologues of Drosophila Toll and conserved sequence during species evolution .

  5. miRNAs在不同物种进化中序列保守性的研究

    Conservation of miRNAs sequences in the process of evolution of different species

  6. RPS5与物种进化;RPS5突变体的研究。

    RPS5 and species evolution ⑥ RPS5 mutant research .

  7. 在物种进化上,AnnexinB1和节肢动物为1支,新杆线虫、植物、鸟类和脊椎动物为1支,原虫、腔肠动物、两栖类和脊索动物为1支。

    Annexin B1 contained specific amino acid residues of parasite . Annexin B1 and arthropod formed an independent branch in the species phylogenetic tree ; nemathelminth , plant , Aves and vertebrate formed a branch ;

  8. 戴尔森说,如果能检测头骨的DNA,从而证实这的确是现代人与尼安德特人共存时代的一个混血人种,那将是很诱人的。他说,“今天所谓的欧洲,是亚欧大陆物种进化的一个小支流”。

    And Dr. Delson said it would be interesting to test for DNA in the skull to support its possible hybrid status in a time of overlapping modern human-Neanderthal populations when early humans were making their way , as he phrased it , to " that small zoological backwater of Eurasia known as Europe . "

  9. 结论成功克隆人、黑猩猩和叶猴FKN全基因,基因组水平和蛋白表达水平的比较研究为后续探讨FKN在高级灵长类物种进化过程中免疫学功能的演变奠定基础。

    Conclusion : The full-length FKN gene of human , chimpanzee and leaf monkey have been cloned successfully , the results and their differences in genome and protein expression level lay the foundation for further studying its evolution in immunological function in primates .

  10. 你知道,两种不同的生物如何从一个物种进化而来。

    You know , how two distinct species form from one .

  11. 物种进化的研究;

    Study on the evolution of plant species , and ;

  12. 同功酶分析在物种进化研究中的应用

    The isozyme analysis and its application to a study of species differentiation

  13. 这个星球上的物种进化了免疫系统,

    Species on this planet have evolved with immune systems

  14. 其生物理论在于:物种进化收到诸如竞争的种群影响。

    Its biology fundation lies in influence from things as competition in the group .

  15. 基于多物种进化遗传算法的神经网络结构学习方法

    The ANN Architecture Learning Method Based on SEGA

  16. 物种进化论和自然选择同样算作意外之喜。

    Ditto for evolution and natural selection .

  17. 发展趋势:如今,许多栖息地遭受破坏的速度比物种进化的速度快。

    Trend : many habitats are now being destroyed faster than a species can evolve .

  18. 物种进化与鱼类育种的发展

    Species Evolution and Development of Fish Breeding

  19. 多样性则是为了物种进化以适应环境的变化。

    And variety is what enables species to adapt and evolve as the environment changes .

  20. 提升是任何行星、恒星、文明或物种进化的过程。

    Ascension is the process by which any planet , star , civilization or species evolves .

  21. 这也许会发生在非洲大草原,这里正是强悍的入侵物种进化的温床。

    That might happen to Africa 's savannahs , where the species causing these transitions first evolved .

  22. 基因重要性对于我们理解物种进化、细胞生理以及疾病发生有很大帮助。

    Protein dispensability has great relevance for our understanding of evolution , cellular molecular physiology and disease .

  23. 系统发生树是描述物种进化顺序和进化关系的一种拓扑结构。

    Phylogenetic tree is a kind of typological structure for describing the sequence and relationship of species revolution .

  24. 从遗传学角度讨论了物种进化、生物多样性以及鱼类育种三者之间的内在联系;

    The internal connecting link among species evolution , biodiversity and fish breeding was discussed on the point of genetics .

  25. 水平转移基因在物种进化中起着很重要的作用。

    Horizontal Gene Transfer ( HGT ) can be regarded as one of the most important factor in the evolution .

  26. 细胞融合是一种重要的细胞生物学现象,在植物的变异和物种进化方面具有重要的意义。

    Cytomixis is an important plant cytological phenomenon and it is of great significance in variation and evolution of plants .

  27. 重演在个体有机体胚胎培育发展中重现(物种进化的过程)

    To appear to repeat ( the evolutionary stages of the species ) during the embryonic development of the individual organism .

  28. 最近更新的动物界系谱树可能从根本上改变我们对物种进化的思维方式。

    AN UPDATED family tree of the animal kingdom could radically change the way we think about the evolution of species .

  29. 毫无疑问,能够对环境中的危险或者威胁作出快速反应是物种进化的优势。

    There is no doubt that rapid response to threats or danger in the environment is an evolutionary advantage to a species .

  30. 定量讨论各种遗传负荷,对研究现实发生水平上的物种进化具有重要意义。

    The quantitative discussion of various genetic loads is provided with important meaning for research into evolution of species on realistic level .