
  • 网络parascience
  1. 之后,本文针对上述两类科学工作流应用分别提出了两种不同的数据布局策略。

    Then we propose two different data placement strategies separately for two different kinds of applications .

  2. 文章粗略地分析了这两类科学本质观的基本特征。

    This paper have roughly analysed the basic features about these two kinds of scientific essential views .

  3. 我国的竹类科学研究

    Bamboo study in China

  4. 从来就不存在一类科学可以被称为应用科学。

    There does not exist a category of science to which one can give the name applied science .

  5. 我国的竹类科学研究植物解剖学在造林上的应用

    Bamboo study in China a set of examples on the plant anatomy applied in the field of Forestry Research

  6. 另外,他特地告诉我们他非常兴奋的一个尚未命名的项目,任务是寻找人类起源,这类科学研究将第一次让公众参与。

    He is particularly excited about a project , not yet named , that for the first time will join Citizens'Cyberscience with the search for human origins .

  7. 为了接收海底观测网科学仪器采集的数据,控制科学仪器的运行,需要为每类科学仪器研制远程控制软件。

    In order to receive data from scientific instruments and control scientific instruments in an undersea observatory network , remote control software is required to be developed for each scientific instrument .

  8. 并进一步对导致这些问题的传播学视域下的原因和科学哲学视域下的原因进行分析。最后,尝试性提出了针对当前大众传媒中类科学内容传播问题的解决策略。

    And make a further analysis and explanations of the reasons leading to such problems from the perspective of Communication Science and Philosophy Science . Finally , proposed the solutions of current mass media dissemination of alternative-science content .

  9. 每当像威尔士亲王这类科学素养很差的名人喋喋不休地谈论替代医学,其语气表明它不在科学审查范围之内时,他们也当受到学者和合格医生的谴责。

    Whenever scientifically challenged celebrities , such as the prince of Wales , waffle on about it in ways that suggest it is outside the realm of scientific scrutiny , they too should be denounced by academics and proper doctors .

  10. 论文对《中图法》G大类有关科学、情报学等类目设置进行分析研究,并提出修改意见。

    This paper analyzes and researches the division installation of " science " and " information science " of G class in " Chinese Library Classification " , and puts out some revising ideas .

  11. 特别地,2002年Wolfram在大量的计算机模拟和经验观察的基础上创造性地称基本细胞自动机及其研究方法为一类新科学。

    Specially , in 2002 based on an extensive computer simulation and empirical observations Wolfram creatively called cellular automata and their research methods A New Kind of Science .

  12. 大学生科学思维方式培养研究论科学学习中的科学思维&析理工类大学生科学思维方式的培养

    On Scientific Thinking in Studies & Analysis of Cultivating Engineering Students'Scientific Thinking Mode

  13. 雷纳德提到在仿生学这类新兴科学领域,一些相关产业模仿自然,设计出更具可持续性和更健康的产品。

    She points to emerging science fields such as biomimicry , where industries imitate nature to design more sustainable and healthier products .

  14. 例如,许多建筑在人类学、意识的事实(心理学)、内心直观和外在经验上面的哲学,便属于这类实证科学。

    Under this head we must also class the philosophy which proposes to build upon'anthropology ' , facts of consciousness , inward sense , or outward experience .

  15. 作者客观地对新词的类别进行了较为全面的分析,例如政治经济类、科学技术类、教育及人才培养类和跨文化接触和社会生活类。

    And then , the writer tries to be objective , factual and calmly analytical in putting forward the classifications of neologisms , politics and economy , science and technology , education and personnel training , and intercultural contact and social life .

  16. 目的:了解教师HBV感染与肝、胆患病情况,为防治该类疾病提供科学依据。

    Objective : To learn about the situation of HBV infection , liver and gall diseases of teachers in order to offer scientific basis to cure related diseases .

  17. 人类学中对个别人类社会的科学描述。

    The branch of anthropology that provides scientific description of individual human societies .

  18. 大学本科或以上学历,专业以电子类、计算机科学、自动化工程类专业为优先;

    Bachelor engineering degree , major in Electronic , Computer Science , Automation engineering * etc or equivalent .

  19. 在广泛查阅出版资源类、资源科学类、资源经济管理类文献后,综述传统出版资源的认识误区,提出新型的出版资源观。

    After looking up a lot of publishing materials such as publishing resources material , publishing science materials and resources economy management material .

  20. 所开设的课程涵盖管理类、社会科学、信息科技以及环境等多个学科。

    The courses on offer cover a wide range of disciplines , including management , social sciences , information technology and the environment .

  21. 马克思对人的类本质的科学认识是他进一步揭示人的社会性本质的前提和基础。

    Marx 's scientific knowledge about human own kind 's essence was the hypothesis and foundation of his further revealing human social essence .

  22. 为中医妇科学科学、有效地开展教学提供来自学生学习实际的第一手材料;为非医攻博专业学生科学、有效地学习中医妇科学乃至其他中医类学科提供科学的指导和思考;

    This study provides first-hand information from the students for scientific and effective teaching and learning of Chinese gynecology and some other subjects as well .

  23. 作为一类“大科学”项目,地震预测试验场的经验和教训值得认真总结。

    As a project of'big science ' , earthquake prediction experiment has provided lessons and experiments in many aspects , which need to be analyzed systematically .

  24. 意见指出,全国各地中小学要充分挖掘当地博物馆资源,研究开发历史类、自然科学类、科技类等系列活动课程。

    As per the document , schools nationwide are urged to design new activities related to history , natural science , and technology , based on collections in local museums .

  25. 预言了先进吸波混凝土的研制前景,分析了吸波混凝土的性能要求,提出了先进吸波混凝土研究中的8类35个科学问题。

    The research prospect of advanced wave absorption concrete is predicted , the performance requirement of wave absorption is analyzed , thirty five scientific questions of eight species in research of advanced wave absorption concrete .

  26. 这个故事也阐明了一些出人意料的研究结果,这些研究结果正在重新定义对这类疾病的科学理解:它们的发展通常会比预期晚,不仅包括抑郁的症状,还包括精神疾病的症状。

    It also illuminates some of the surprising research findings that are redefining the scientific understanding of such disorders : that they often develop later than expected and include symptoms not just of depression , but of psychiatric illnesses .

  27. 本文在综述出版资源类、资源科学类资源观后,分析了传统出版资源观的认识误区,提出新型的宏观出版资源观,并在宏观出版资源观指导下重新界定出版资源的集合。

    After summarizing the resource view of publishing resource classification and resource science classification , this paper analyzes traditional publishing resource views , puts forward a new macro publishing resource view , and redefines the publishing resource system under the guide of the new macro publishing resource view .

  28. 第二类:面向计算机科学应用。

    The second category may focus on computer science applications .

  29. 科幻小说是大众文学中一个重要的文类,它关注科学进步给人类带来的巨大影响。

    Science fiction is an important genre of popular literature .

  30. 山西出土先秦时期磬类乐器中的科学技术研究

    The Technological Research on Chime Stone of Pre-Qin Period Which Excavated from Shanxi