
shì wù
  • thing;object;arrangement
事物 [shì wù]
  • [thing] 指客观的一切物体和现象

  • 每一种事物都有一个名称

事物[shì wù]
  1. 他难道不是你见过的最美的事物么?

    Isn 't he just the most beautiful thing you ever saw ?

  2. 别从外表看事物。

    Don 't judge a thing from the outside .

  3. 我们尽可谈论美的事物,但美本身却是抽象的。

    We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is abstract .

  4. 我们现在需要的是改变对事物的看法。

    What we need now is a change of focus .

  5. 她得到充分的鼓励去尝试新事物。

    She was given every encouragement to try something new .

  6. 他对荒诞事物有较强的识别能力。

    He has a good sense of the absurd .

  7. 结合具体的事物来思考要比抽象思考容易些。

    It is easier to think in concrete terms rather than in the abstract .

  8. 他认为社会不平等完全合乎事物的自然规律。

    He thought social inequality was all part of the natural order of things .

  9. 儿童对一切事物都显露出好奇心。

    Children show curiosity about everything .

  10. 人们的无知会带来恐惧,对未知事物的恐惧。

    Ignorance of people brings fear , fear of the unknown .

  11. 我往往不相信自己的情感,倾向于把一切事物都理智化。

    I tended to mistrust my emotions and intellectualize everything .

  12. 如此新鲜的事物刚开始必然会有些问题。

    There are bound to be teething problems with something so new .

  13. 新鲜事物的魅力一定让你兴奋不已。

    You must be feeling exhilarated by the call of the new .

  14. 我们对事物的概念在很大程度上取决于我们的感觉。

    How we conceptualize things has a lot to do with what we feel

  15. 现代科技开阔了我们的眼界,让我们了解了许多事物。

    Modern technology has opened our eyes to many things

  16. 你能很简单地改变一幅画中事物的相对比例。

    You can vary the relative proportions of things in a picture very simply .

  17. 她总是用简单绝对的眼光看待事物。

    She saw things in black and white .

  18. 威尔逊先生最常用的手法是将事物放在一起,以产生戏剧化的效果。

    The technique Mr Wilson uses most often is to juxtapose things for dramatic effect

  19. 他始终不愿接受任何新事物,最终让上司失去了耐心。

    His stubborn resistance to anything new eventually wore out the patience of his superiors

  20. 这种残忍的现实和浪漫美好事物的并存始终贯穿于帕克的短篇小说中。

    This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park 's stories .

  21. 我一碰上悲伤的事物就难以控制情绪。

    I overreact to anything sad .

  22. 记住要客观看待事物。

    Remember to keep things in perspective

  23. 随着世界变得日益复杂,某些事物确实理所当然地规范化和全球化了。

    As the world becomes more complex , some things do , of course , standardize and globalize

  24. 研究者们拓展了其研究领域,介绍并揭示了事物发生的原因和机理。

    Researchers are pushing back the frontiers and opening doors to reveal why things happen and how things work .

  25. 两种方法对诗中所描绘的是何种事物的看法是一致的,但是对于应该如何阐释这首诗有所分歧。

    Both approaches agree on what is depicted in the poem , but not on how it should be interpreted .

  26. 不要总是关注事物的阴暗面。

    Don 't always focus on the dark side of things .

  27. 敏锐的观察家通常一眼即可看出事物的本质。

    An acute observer usually sees the essence of things at first sight .

  28. 我们一定要谦虚,因为我们周围充满了我们还不理解的事物。

    We must be humble , for we are compassed by mysteries .

  29. 用科学眼光看待事物。

    Look at the matter purely from the scientific point of view .

  30. 一切事物互相联系并相互作用。

    All things are interrelated and interact on each other .