
shì wù chǔ lǐ
  • transaction processing
  1. Web服务组合中商业事务处理的研究

    Research of Business Transaction Process in Web Service Composition

  2. SqlServer事务处理程序设计实例

    An instance of SQL server transaction program design

  3. 远程教育网络中事务处理WEB的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Transactional WEB in Distance Education Net

  4. 面向WEB类联机事务处理系统的开发框架的研究与设计

    Research and design of develop framework for web OLTP system

  5. 一个Web服务事务处理模型:结构、算法和事务补偿

    A Transaction Model for Web Services : Architecture , Algorithms and Transaction Compensation

  6. 基于Agent的Web服务事务处理模型研究

    Research on Web Services Transaction Processing Model Based on Agent

  7. Web服务事务处理应用模型

    An Application Model for Web Services Transaction Processing

  8. 基于Web服务的事务处理

    The transaction processing base on Web services

  9. NET中的事务处理,说明了ADO。

    NET is discussed . The manual transaction processing in the ADO .

  10. NET和消息队列中的手动事务处理,以及ASP。

    NET and the message queue and the automatic transaction processing in the ASP .

  11. SqlServer中事务处理的隔离级别的实例分析

    The example analysis of isolation level of transaction processing in SQL Server

  12. GIS工作流系统的长事务处理研究

    Long transactional processing of GIS workflow system

  13. 基于Web服务的EDI系统的事务处理

    Transaction processing of EDI system based on Web Services

  14. 本文在一个基于XML的事务处理场景中进行性能度量,这个场景模拟一个面向数据的金融应用程序。

    This article presents performance measurements in an XML-based transaction processing scenario that simulates a data-oriented financial application .

  15. 这种供SOAP事务处理的高速缓存机制对可扩展性来说也是潜在的问题点。

    Caching mechanisms for SOAP transactions are potential problem spots for scalability .

  16. CORBA事务处理服务能与微软公司的事务处理一起工作吗?

    Do the CORBA transaction service and Microsoft transactions work together ?

  17. 尤其适合作为以SOA为架构的应用系统中分布式事务处理的框架。

    As a distribute transaction management framework , it suits for application which based on SOA .

  18. 异构数据集成系统中基于CORBA的事务处理研究

    Research of Transaction Processing Based on CORBA in Heterogeneous Data Integration System

  19. J2EE体系的事务处理的研究

    Study on transaction processing of J2EE architecture

  20. 服务器还处理任务,比如“通过调用通信事务处理安全状态”,David说。

    The server also handles tasks , such as " communicating transaction security state across calls ," David said .

  21. 如果要创建嵌入式事务处理应用程序或portlet应用程序,则需要安装RationalApplicationDeveloperV7.0。

    If you create embedded transaction applications or portlet applications , you need to install Rational Application Developer V7.0 .

  22. 事务处理模块完成对USB事务的三个步骤(令牌、数据、握手)的控制。

    Transaction processing module complete the three steps ( token , data , handshake ) of an USB transaction .

  23. 该模型将数据的新鲜度引入设计过程,用它作为事务处理的QoS参数来提高系统服务质量。

    The model introduced freshness of data as Quality of Service parameter for transaction processing to improve quality of service .

  24. 基于双库结构的FoxPro事务处理机制

    The FoxPro Affairs Transaction Mechanism Based on Double Database Structure

  25. WebSphereApplicationServer使用的一种典型的超时就是默认事务处理超时,它定义了在自动回滚之前一次事务处理最长可运行多长时间。

    A typical timeout used with WebSphere Application Server is the default transaction timeout , which defines how long a transaction can run before it is automatically rolled back .

  26. 随着Web服务和网格服务数量急剧增加,通过agent协作的两种服务混合合成却无法解决从安全性到事务处理等问题。

    Those issues ranging from security to transaction in hybrid composition of Web Services and Grid Services through agent mediation are presented while the two kinds of services are increasing .

  27. 基于事件触发机制的EDI事务处理模型

    The EDI Transaction Handling Model Based on Active Rule

  28. 首先使用事务处理的传统方式阐明问题,然后把旧的方式映射到新的基于Web服务的机制,该机制在灵活性和互操作性上具有新的优势。

    First we illustrate the problem using a classic style of transaction processing , then we map the old onto a new web services-based mechanism with new advantages in flexibility and interoperability .

  29. 在企业应用中使用事务处理是非常有益的,J2EE是利用Java事务服务和Java事务应用程序接口这两套规范来实现事务处理的。

    The enterprise can be benefited by transaction processing in applications , and J2EE realizes transaction processing by Java transaction service and Java transaction API .

  30. 最后,本文总结了基于THP的Web服务事务处理模型系统的优点和存在的问题,给出了需要进一步开展的研究工作。

    Last , this thesis analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the web service transaction processing model system based on THP .