
xún hū jī
  • pager;beeper;bleeper
  1. 他的寻呼机上闪现着一个信息。

    A message was flashing on his pager .

  2. 在缺省情况下,Nagios提供了寻呼机和电子邮件通知方式。

    Nagios offers pager and e-mail notifications by default .

  3. 他的寻呼机响了,于是他拿起了电话。

    His beeper sounded and he picked up the telephone .

  4. 你要随身带着寻呼机,以便他们随时呼你。

    You have to carry a bleeper so that they can call you in at any time .

  5. SAW滤波器在电视机和寻呼机中的应用

    The Applications of SAW Filters in TV and Pagers

  6. 该测试方法为丹麦饲养学家G.寻呼机用电池

    The method used , i. Battery for BP

  7. 动力型VRLA电池的技术进展寻呼机用电池

    Development of VRLA battery used for power supply

  8. 以4级频移键控为核心,设计了一种用于FLEX编码的寻呼机调频中频接收电路。

    A FM / IF receiver system used in FLEX pager is designed . 4 level FSK circuit is emphasized .

  9. 为了腾出空位,他们可能会去掉一些现有的绘文字——它们体现的是日本人对古董级技术的痴迷,比如里面有三种CD,有软盘和磁带、寻呼机和带兔耳天线的电视机。

    To make room , they could eliminate the emojis that represent the strange Japanese fascination with antiquated technology like three kinds of CDs , a floppy disk and tape cassette , pager and TV with rabbit ears .

  10. 这些设备包括笔记本电脑、掌上电脑、机顶盒、游戏机、移动电话、计算器、寻呼机、仪器仪表、MP3播放机、数码相机以及打印机之类的计算机外围设备等等。

    It includes peripheral equipments around PC , such as : laptops , PDA , STD ( step-top-box ), mobile phone , game , calculator , pager , appliance , MP3 player , digital camera and printer etc.

  11. ICQ就是互联网上的寻呼机,无论什么时候,只要你的朋友在线,你只需在ICQ中输入他的ID号码,你就可以在互联网上呼到他。

    ICQ pager is on the Internet , no matter when , as long as your friends online , you can simply enter ICQ his ID number , you can call on the Internet to him .

  12. 技术研究机构波耐蒙研究所(PonemonInstitute)最近的调查显示,由于寻呼机及其它过时通讯技术,美国医院每年蒙受83亿美元损失,而且病人办理出院手续的时间也大为增加。

    Pagers and other outdated communications systems cost hospitals $ 8.3 billion annually in lost productivity and increased patient discharge times , according to a recent survey by the Ponemon Institute , a technology research organization .

  13. 系统对MDF上的故障实行实时监测和采集,故障信息自动记录在前台机内,并可通过PSTN上报到监控中心、拨通预留的语音电话或自动寻呼机来发出维护请求。

    The system can detect , collect and keep the faults of MDF at runtime , report the faults to supervision center via PSTN , and send out the maintenance request to serviceman via the voice phone or beep-pager automatically .

  14. 所以Lyubomirsky博士在北美选择了329位18至94岁的志愿者,并给他们配备了寻呼机,此外,记录原始数据还包括他们的性别、年龄、种族、社会地位、婚姻状况和子女的数目。

    Dr Lyubomirsky therefore gave pagers to 329 North American volunteers aged between 18 and 94 , having first recorded , among other things , their sex , age , ethnicity , socioeconomic status , marital status and number of children .

  15. 这些笑脸与表情符号的根源可以追溯到19世纪80年代,但是你手机里这些emoji符号则发源于20世纪90年代中期的日本,由一个在青少年中非常流行的寻呼机品牌首先用来给自己增加点特色。

    it had to stop . The roots of smiley faces and emoticons go back to the 1880s , but the story of the emoji , those little pictorial icons on your cellphone , began in Japan in the mid-1990s when it was added as a special feature to a brand of pagers popular with teenagers .

  16. 这种语数兼容寻呼机为其应用开辟了新的领域。

    A new field of application of this pager is developed .

  17. 这是因为产品“寻呼机”的供应商名称被拼错了。

    This is because the Supplier Name for Vegie-spread is misspelled .

  18. 你的意思是说你们公司将不止经营寻呼机业务,要成为多种经营的企业。

    You mean by the coming more than the pager company .

  19. 并让她给你打电话读出寻呼机上的内容

    Told her to phone you.Check the read-out from this pager .

  20. 你们公司销售寻呼机和移动电话,对吗?

    Your company markets pagers and cellular phones , is that right ?

  21. 寻呼机曾风靡一时,它可以接收和显示无线信息。

    The once-popular devices are able to receive and show wireless messages .

  22. 在我桌上我发现了一个寻呼机。是你的吗?

    I find a pager on my desk , is it yours ?

  23. 虽然寻呼机早已风光不在,但其实这种通讯工具还是有不少优点。

    Despite their obsolescence , pagers do have some advantages .

  24. 1996年,东京电信通信公司拥有120万寻呼机用户。

    By 1996 , Tokyo Telemessage had 1.2 million subscribers .

  25. 寻呼机、复印机、传真机、电视等等。

    Pagers , copiers , fax machines , TV , and so on .

  26. 当然,手机的出现使得寻呼机基本退出了历史舞台。

    Mobile phones , of course , eventually drove the technology to near-extinction .

  27. 十年前,寻呼机挺少见的,现在太不稀罕了。

    Beep-paper is rare ten years ago , but it is common now .

  28. 一种寻呼机调频中频接收芯片设计

    A FM / IF Receive System in FLEX Pager

  29. 一种新型寻呼机系统的开发与研究

    Exploitation and Research of a New Type Pager System

  30. 例如,基本类型的寻呼机的应用领域是信息接入。

    For example , the domain of a basic pager is information access .