
  • 网络Multimedia Art;Multi-Media Art;computer art
  1. 而在多媒体艺术中,光作为最主要的表现形式之一,被大家广泛的应用于各类型的作品中。

    In multimedia art , as one of the main form of light , widely used in various types of work .

  2. 在网络环境下,网络多媒体艺术(狭义)有其独特的特征,即网上传播性、媒体依赖性、互动性、虚拟性、观念性,从而对网络多媒体艺术有一个清晰的认识。

    Under the network environment , network multimedia art ( in narrow sense ) has its unique characteristic , namely on-line dissemination , media dependence , interaction , hypothesized , idea , thus providing us a clear understanding to the network multimedia art .

  3. 一部以美国总统乔治W布什的家乡德克萨斯州为主题的多媒体艺术作品击败了奥萨马本拉登的数字化虚拟住所,赢得英国知名度最高的艺术大奖&特纳奖。

    An exhibit featuring a film about US President George W.Bush 's home town in Texas won the Turner Prize , Britain 's most prestigious art award , pipping a digital recreation of Osama bin Laden 's house .

  4. 多媒体艺术的人性化设计

    Humanized Design of Multi - media Modes

  5. 新艺术世界的探访者&上海多媒体艺术事件簿

    Explorers of a New Art World

  6. 这种局面将会在一定的程度上影响互动多媒体艺术的发展。

    This kind of situation will influence the development of art of the interact multimedia on certain degree .

  7. 他是一位跨媒体创作人,其创作涵括了绘画(建基于装置的绘画)、多媒体艺术及短篇小说。

    He is an interdisciplinary artist whose works include drawing , multimedia and short fiction which based on installation .

  8. 我们的努力不仅创造了一些产品原型,也促成了一些交互式多媒体艺术作品和展览。

    Sometimes our efforts result in a product prototype , other times they result in interactive art pieces or performances .

  9. 结合了边缘人种学和多媒体艺术的卡夫卡国,以人种学描述,视觉表达,和行为表演来进行旅行探索。

    Wedding cutting-edge ethnography and multi-media arts Kafkanistan explores tourism in conflict zones as ethnographic description , visual representation and performance .

  10. 《逝》是一个摄影与多媒体艺术作品,它探讨中国北京都市与爱尔兰乡村生活的区别和多元化。

    UNTOUCHED is a photographic and multimedia artwork that identifies common strands of experience in China 's capital Beijing and a rural community in Ireland .

  11. 总结并剖析其作品类型、表现观念,旨在对中国现代多媒体艺术发展进行反思和提供借鉴。

    Summarize and analyze the type and ideas represent of the works , aims at providing a mirror and self-examination for the development of multi-media art in China .

  12. 针对于此,本论文采用理论结合实践的方法,多层面,多角度地揭示了多媒体艺术在不断涌现新媒体艺术的发展态势中的流变特性。

    From various levels and perspectives , this paper illustrates the rheologic characteristics of multimedia arts during the continuous development of new media arts through the combination of theories and practices .

  13. 在最后一章从教育的视角,研究网页界面设计给多媒体艺术设计教育的启示,希望以此为契机,顺应时代的要求,进行艺术设计教育的改革,以饱满的姿态迎接时代强劲的挑战。

    The last chapter studies the contribution of Web Interface Design to Art Design , and aims at complying with the requirement of times , launching the reformation in multi-media art design , and meeting the serious challenge vigorously .

  14. 内容摘要:本次论文的题目是《论传统油画与多媒体艺术的结合&光的浅谈》,目的为运用传统油画媒介与现代多媒体结合表现光影效果。

    Contact : The topic of this paper is " The Theory of Traditional Painting and The Combination of Multimedia Art-The Introduction of Light " . The purpose for the use of traditional and modern oil painting medium multimedia combination of light and shadow .

  15. 互动多媒体艺术作为新媒体艺术有它特定的发展环境,它广泛应用于互联网、电信网和广电网中,特别是在互联网中的应用最广形式最多。

    There is specific development environment as new media 's art in art of the interact multimedia , it applies to Internet , telecommunication network , and wide electric wire netting extensively , among them , the forms of application in Internet are the most .

  16. 多媒体数字艺术作品中的艺术性创造

    The Art Creation of Multimedia Digital Art Work

  17. 走进会展业的多媒体设计艺术&论多媒体设计在会展业上的优势和前景

    The Multimedia Design Art in Exhibitions & On the superiorities and prospects of the multimedia design art in exhibitions

  18. 情境教学是通过实物,挂图,简笔画,表演,多媒体等艺术手段再现教材,提供情境的一种教学方法,它使学生在兴趣盎然中获得更多的感性认识。

    Use the Simple Pictures Well Situational language teaching is to reappear to teaching materials by material object , wall picture , simplifies picture , acting , and multimedia .

  19. “遥•控”,上海当代艺术馆多媒体与互动艺术展。

    ' Remote Control'exhibition of international new media installation at Museum of Contemporary Art , Shanghai .

  20. 首先,本文主要论述了交互艺术是多媒体技术与艺术领域不断延伸融合的产物,是当代科技与艺术发展成果的集中体现。

    First , this paper discusses the interactive art multimedia technology and art continue to extend the integration of the product is a concentrated expression of contemporary technology and artistic achievements .

  21. 略论多媒体课件的设计艺术

    Brief Talk about the Art of Multimedia Courseware

  22. 他辅助和安排了多媒体俱乐部活动和艺术表演,并且发表了自己的小说。

    He curated and arranged multi-media club events , art shows and had fiction published .

  23. 多媒体教学过程的艺术表现是多媒体教学自身具有的本质特征,科学性、教育性和艺术性的统一是大学专业课多媒体教学实现其教学效果的重要保证。

    The multimedia teaching process is naturally characterized by its being artistic , modern and advanced , the unity of scientific , artistic and educational nature has to be assured to the success of multimedia teaching process of college major courses .

  24. 多媒体技术应用于艺术设计教学,有利于教师对教学内容的整合创新实施,消除教学过程中的相对静止空间,促使教学过程的优化。

    The multi media technology applied in the art design teaching is helpful to the teachers to carry on in a creative way the integration of the teaching content , to eliminate the relatively still space in the process of teaching and to prompt the optimization of it .

  25. 第一,从美学的基本理论入手,从多媒体画面美的性质和美的形态范畴两方面对多媒体画面这一准艺术形式领域进行理论规范。

    Firstly , according to the essential theory of aesthetics , the article models the multimedia interface , the domain of art formality from the quality and the category of aesthetics .

  26. 电脑的普及带动了多媒体技术的发展,基于多媒体的互动性而发展起来的互动多媒体艺术,也倍受人们关注的。

    The popularization of the computer has impelled the multimedia technology , the interact multimedia art developed on the basis of interaction of the multimedia , have become the focus that people pay close attention to .

  27. 介绍了高等数学空间关系多媒体CAI系统的设计思想,重点讨论了高等数学常见空间关系的表现形式、多媒体表现艺术及图形生成技巧。

    Introduces the designed idea of the advanced mathematics multimedia CAI system , briefly discusses the manifestation and multimedia show art of space relation , and the graph producing methods are also discussed .