
  • 网络Promotion;exploitation;promotion method
  1. 从3G业务偏好、促销手段和了解途径等方面对西安第三代移动通信早期用户特征和偏好进行分析。

    According to 3G business favoritisms , promotion tactics , the approach of understanding and so on , the early user of the third generation mobile communication characteristics and favoritisms are analyzed .

  2. 你认为哪些是最常见的促销手段?

    What do you think are the most common promotion methods ?

  3. 随着我国B2C零售商间竞争的日益激烈,零售商在促销手段上下功夫的同时,经营模式也开始转变。

    With fierce competition among B2C retailers in China , retailers take effort to different promotions .

  4. 对表演者和某些特定地区而言,这些音乐节就是吸引旅行者的磁石和美妙的促销手段,比如在加利福尼亚州举办的蒙特雷爵士音乐节(MontereyJazzFestival)。

    These gatherings operate as tourist magnets and fantastic promotional devices for performers and particular locations , such as the Monterey Jazz Festival in California .

  5. 市场营销是一门研究市场问题的科学,几十年来市场营销的理论不断发展,较为成熟的有4P理论,即商品、价格、分销渠道、促销手段策略。

    Marketing is a kind of science that researches market problems , the theory about marketing is developing maturely , such is 4P theory .

  6. 宝马发言人科沃斯基(TomKowelski)说,但与以前经济衰退期不同的是,消费者对传统的促销手段(如提高购车动机刺激、提供租车条款或加大广告力度等)无动于衷。

    But unlike past downturns , consumers aren 't responding to traditional marketing devices like increased incentives , lease deals or beefed-up advertising , said BMW spokesman Tom Kowelski .

  7. 现在4P理论中,在一定程度上,渠道是企业制胜的关键,在产品、价格及促销手段高度同质化的今天,渠道的建设成为企业竞争力提升的关键点。

    Now the 4P theory , to a certain extent , the channel is the key to winning business in product , price , promotions , high degree of homogeneity of today , the channel into a business is enough to force the key points .

  8. 试论唐代的专卖店铺及其促销手段

    On monopolized stores and their promotion methods in Tang Dynasty

  9. 多种多样的促销手段会不会影响您的选择?

    Will the promotions like posters and influence your choices ?

  10. 不要将促销手段和书籍的价值混为一谈。

    Don 't confuse the sales techniques with the products .

  11. 销售策略:向校园情侣推广“爱情”主题笔记本,并采取打折、赠送纪念品等促销手段。

    Promoting love-themed notebook for campus couples with discounts and a souvenir .

  12. 你认为赠券是有效的促销手段吗?

    Do you think the use of coupons effective in promoting sales ?

  13. 消费类期刊和行业期刊零售渠道与促销手段

    Retailing Channels and Sails Promotion Means of Expense-Class Periodical and Trade Periodical

  14. 作广告是许多促销手段中的一种。

    Advertising is one of many sales promotion means .

  15. 我们过于依赖产品质量,促销手段不行。

    We depended too much on product quality , not enough on promotion .

  16. 最后,采取适当的国际旅游宣传和促销手段。

    Finally , take the appropriate means of advertising and promotion of international tourism .

  17. 它们对于产品、价格和促销手段已经运用到了极至。

    Their products , price and promotions of means have been applied to highpoint .

  18. 个性化的包装设计形象是最有效的促销手段。

    Personalized image of the packaging design is the most effective means of promotion .

  19. 其中,发行优惠券一直是一种重要的促销手段。

    Among them , the issue of coupons has been emphasized for a long time .

  20. 以拳击职业联盟的方式发展拳击运动;丰富拳击运动的促销手段。

    The way to the development is the professional boxing league and the various promotions .

  21. 无偿赠送作为一种常用的促销手段,普遍存在于快速消费品企业中。

    Free samples are prevalent in fast consumables enterprises as an often used promotion tool .

  22. 购买时提供现金回扣是世界上最古老的促销手段之一。

    Offering cash back on a purchase is one of the oldest come-ons in the world .

  23. 音乐录像带的出现为音乐提供了新的促销手段。

    The emergence of the music video for the music provided a new means of promotion .

  24. 摘要汽车试驾是目前汽车销售商普遍采用的促销手段之一。

    To harness automobile before buying is one of promotion methods which the present automobile seller uses generally .

  25. 延期支付作为一种重要的促销手段,已广泛存在于商品经济活动中。

    Delay in payment as an important promotional tool has been widely existed in the commodity economy activities .

  26. 为获得更多的市场份额,各电信运营企业采取各种促销手段扩大自身的市场占有率,以求在激烈的市场竞争中处于不败之地。

    For getting much market share , all telecom company do all themselves to enlarge the rate of market occupancy .

  27. 采取多种促销手段,以广告宣传、联合促销、对经销商促销等方式进行市场推广。

    Carry on marketing with many marketing tools , such as advertising , jointly promotes , promoting to the distributor , etc.

  28. 促销手段的运用不仅仅限于消费品,它也可以用于工业销售。

    The use of sales promotion is not limited to consumer products . It can be used with industrial selling too .

  29. 以会员积分卡为形式的顾客锁定折扣是零售商广泛采用的促销手段,本质上是针对顾客的价格歧视。

    Locked-in discounts in the form of added-point member cards which are essentially price discrimination have been widely introduced by retailers .

  30. 随着全球经济一体化的实现,国际广告已成为十分普遍的国际营销和促销手段。

    With the realization of the global economy , international advertisements have become a very popular marketing means in the international market .