
xìn zhǐ
  • stationery;writing paper;letter paper;papeteries
信纸 [xìn zhǐ]
  • (1) [letter paper]∶适于书信规格的纸张

  • (2) [papeteries]∶切成使用的规格并装盒的书写纸

信纸[xìn zhǐ]
  1. 溅出的墨水在信纸上留下污点。

    The spilled ink left a blot on the letter paper .

  2. 我真的很喜欢这信纸的背景。

    S.I really like the background of this letter paper .

  3. 可以把你的信息或标志印在信纸上。

    Stationery can be imprinted with your message or logo

  4. 他用官方信纸写信推荐一个亲戚的公司。

    He had written letters on official notepaper to promote a relative 's company .

  5. 他会提笔给家人写信,却常常懊恼沮丧地又把信纸揉成一团。

    He would start writing to his family and would screw the letter up in frustration

  6. 信纸用完了。

    The writing pad is used up .

  7. 用word作为电子邮件编辑器时,选择“签名和信纸”按钮修改这些选项。

    When using word as your e-mail editor , choose the signature and stationery button to change these options .

  8. A.在一张8.5英寸×11英寸1的信纸上能够放下4张纸币。

    A. YOU CAN FIT FOUR bills on an 8.5 " × 11 " sheet of paper .

  9. 信是用汇丰(hsbc)的信纸写的,日期是1998年1月22日。

    It is written on HSBC notepaper , and dated January 22 , 1998 .

  10. AutoCAD中地形图符号、线型及图案填充的实现方法有没有具地方色彩图案的信纸?

    Realizing Method of Making Topographic Symbols and Line-types and Pattern-Filled in AutoCAD Have you got any stationery with local motifs ?

  11. 理想的尺寸大约是一张A4或者美国信纸那么大。

    The ideal size is about the area of a piece of A4 or US Letter sized paper .

  12. 没有找到“<0s>”信纸,且将从信纸的mru清单中删除它。

    The stationery " < 0s > " could not be located and will be removed from the stationery MRU list .

  13. 您要还原所有windows日记本的设置为默认值吗?这包括笔和荧光笔设置、菜单和工具栏位置、查找窗格和便笺列表窗格位置、信纸设置和在此“选项”对话框的设置。

    Do you want to restore all windows journal settings to their defaults ? These include pen and highlighter settings , menu and toolbar positions , find pane and Note List pane positions , stationery settings , and settings in the options dialog box .

  14. 例如,如果要打印到桌面打印机上,并且出版物页面是标准信纸尺寸,就应将其打印在tabloid纸张上。

    For example , if you are printing to a desktop printer and your publication page is a standard letter size , you would print it on tabloid paper .

  15. 用途:杂志,书籍,广告传单,记事本,信纸,信封,便条纸,涂布原纸,NCR原纸。

    Application : Magazine , book , flyer , notebook , stationary paper , envelope , notepad , coated base paper , NCR base paper . Base paper : Paper to which a coating is to be added . Also called Body paper , Body stock .

  16. 由于加利福尼亚州教育预算削减,州长施瓦辛格肯定会收到许多忧心忡忡的民众的来信,用铅笔和没有横线的信纸书写的信,没有提前打草稿,甚至他的名字都可能弄得一团糟。CNN记者THELMAGUTIERREZ报道。

    As far as California 's education goes , Governor Schwarzenegger can expect a lot of letters from some concerned citizens , letters written in pencil , unlined paper , no cursive , and his name might be a little ed. Here 's CNN 's THELMA GUTIERREZ .

  17. 信纸,记号和打字机都在那儿。

    The stationery , the logo and the typewriter are there .

  18. 能给我拿一个信封和几张信纸吗?

    Would you bring me an envelope and some writing paper ?

  19. 我猜也还没有信纸选择?

    I assume there are nostationery selectionsfome to choose from yet .

  20. 但他还是坚持要求将信的全文写在信纸上。

    He always insisted that it should be written out in full .

  21. 杜洛埃找信纸写回信的当儿,嘉莉去换衣服。

    Drouet selected writing paper while Carrie went to change her dress .

  22. 他把信纸揉成一团投入字纸篓里。

    He wadded up the letter and tossed it in the wastebasket .

  23. 她说了,这信纸上还有泪痕。

    She does for the ink is run with tears .

  24. 名片,信封,信纸,连续纸,称赞滑

    Business Cards , Envelopes , Letterheads , Continuation paper , Compliments Slip

  25. 那是她的笔迹和信纸

    I mean it was her handwriting and her stationery .

  26. 西方的公司大多依据信纸的抬头来把自己的信件和其它公司的区分开来。

    Western companies depend on letterheads to identify their envelopes and correspondence .

  27. 请选择新邮件要使用的信纸。

    Please select the stationery to use for new messages .

  28. 我马上回家去拿信纸和墨水。

    I 'll go right in the house for paper and ink .

  29. 包含可应用于邮件的信纸列表。

    Contains list of stationery to apply to the message .

  30. 杂货店供应信纸和信封。

    The drug store stocks writing paper and envelopes .