
duō shén lùn
  • polytheism
多神论[duō shén lùn]
  1. 在精神层面上承认上帝的存在,而且只有一个上帝,这个观点反对盲目崇拜和多神论,坚持只有一个上帝的观点。

    It 's simply the mental acknowledgement of the existence of God and that God is one , that is , the rejection of idolatry and polytheism and the idea that God is one .

  2. 不幸的是,这里是多神论的地方。

    Sadly , polytheism reigns here .

  3. 多神论的古埃及人尊敬许多神及许多神圣的动物

    The ancient Egyptians , who were polytheists , worshiped a numBer of gods and sacred animals

  4. 你嘲笑多神论者,但你对于信奉三位一体的神却没有存疑。

    You laugh at polytheists , but you have no problem believing in a Trinity god .

  5. 其他人也许看重自己的享受和信仰不明确以及多神论(许多个神)。

    Others may note their own comfort and embrace of ambiguity and polytheism ( many gods ) .

  6. 基于现实生活的多样需求,农民信仰具有多神论和实用主义取向。

    Due to diverse needs in real life , farmers ' faith belongs to polytheism and utilitarian orientation .

  7. 希腊人不同于最后一批统治埃及的波斯人,并不轻视信奉多神论的埃及宗教。

    Unlike the last Persian rulers of Egypt , the Greeks did not despise a religion which had a multiplicity of deities .

  8. 印度教不是一神论宗教,同时包括一神论和多神论信仰。

    I already stated multiple times that HINDUISM is the oldest religion and that the Mesopatamian civilization is the oldest continous civilization .

  9. 由于将埃及从多神论社会变成了一神论社会,这位埃及的第18代法老闻名于世。

    The Egyptian pharaoh who lived and ruled during the 18th Dynasty is famous as the one who switched Egypt from a polytheistic society into a monotheistic one .

  10. 对上帝的观念做出了系统的分析;(3)实用主义方法对宗教经验分析的必然结果就是多神论。

    Secondly , he makes systematic analysis to God 's idea and points out again that the inevitable outcome that the pragmatism method analyses about the religious experience is the polytheism .

  11. 作为一个对我国文学发展起到过重要作用的文化现象,巫文化对《聊斋志异》的影响也体现在许多方面,如对书中多神论思想、变形思想以及作品浪漫风格的影响。

    Sorcery culture , one of the culture phenomenons that had importantly affected our country 's literature development , works on liao zhai zhi yi in many aspects , such as the polytheism ideology , transfiguration ideology and romantic style in this book .