
  • 网络The Civil War in France
  1. 马克思的英语掌握得很好,他能用英语写他的著作《法兰西内战》。

    Marx mastered English so well that he was able to write his works The civil War in France in English .

  2. 巴黎公社起义失败后仅仅两天,马克思就向第一国际总委员会宣读了他的名著《法兰西内战》。

    Only two days after the fall of the Paris Commune , Marx read out to the General Council of the First International his famous work The Civil War in France .

  3. 马克思非常重视廉价政府建设问题并在《法兰西内战》中第一个明确提出廉价政府概念。廉价政府标志是精兵简政;

    Karl Marx attached much importance to the construction of cheap government , and firstly created the concept of cheap government in his book , Civil War of France .