
fǎ de qǐ yuán
  • origin of law
法的起源[fǎ de qǐ yuán]
  1. 法的起源是法学研究的一个根本性问题。

    The origin of law is a fundamental issue for studies on law .

  2. 对HiLo训练法的起源和发展、HiLo的高度和时间以及HiLo训练法的生物学基础及应用做一综述。

    This paper sums up the the orgin and development of HiLo 、 Altitude and time and biological base and application of HiLo .

  3. 小儿指纹诊法的起源及临床应用

    Origin and clinical application of venules of infant 's index finger

  4. 小冲孔试验法的起源、发展和应用

    Origination , development and application of small punch test method

  5. 夫妻配穴法的起源与应用

    Origination and Clinical Application of " Fu Qi " Points Combination Method

  6. 习惯、礼与中国法的起源

    Habits , Courtesy and the Origin of China 's Laws

  7. 论英国衡平法的起源

    On the Value of Ruling-by-law On Derivation of British Equity

  8. 口语报告法的起源及分类;

    The second part briefly discusses the origin and classification of verbal protocols .

  9. 诺亚?韦伯斯特与美国人拼写法的起源

    Noah Webster and the Origins of American Spelling

  10. 论海商法的起源与发展的历史背景

    Maritime Law : its Origin and Development

  11. 如今的国际法的起源可以追溯到16和17世纪。

    10.The beginnings of international law as it is known today are usually traced to the 16th and 17th centuries .

  12. 第二章回顾任务型教学法的起源,发展现状和国内外的相关文献。

    The second chapter reviews the origins of the TBA , thedevelopment status and related literature reviews at home and abroad .

  13. 本文以希腊为例,对法的起源及其意义,从法哲学的视野,作了研究。

    This paper , taking Greece as an example , studies the origins and significance of law from a philosophical point of view .

  14. 英国公司法的起源可以追溯到1844年的合股公司法和1855年的有限责任法。

    British company law can be traced back to Joint Stock Company Law ( 1844 ) and Limited Liability Act ( 1855 ) .

  15. 无论是公共属性还是私权属性都有一定的理论依据作为支持,知识产权的理论依据往往可以追溯到自然法的起源。

    Both properties have a certain theoretical basis to support , which can often be traced back to the origins of natural law .

  16. 但是到目前为止,虽然伴随着可试验假说的描写性报道大量出现,但是却几乎没有统计证据告知公平住房法的起源和产生的影响。

    But to date , although the descriptive accounts teem with testable hypotheses , statistical evidence rarely informs the story of the origins and impacts of fairhousing laws .

  17. 现代科学始于伽利略开始解释万事如何发生之时,这也是可控实验法的起源,现在,该实验法成了科学研究的基础。

    Modern science was born when Galileo began trying to explain how things happen and thus originated the method of controlled experiment which now forms the basis of scientific investigation .

  18. 第二章论述了我国动物福利立法的理论依据,主要包括动物福利的概念界定及其分类,动物福利法的起源、发展、概念、特点,以及动物福利立法的基础理论。

    The second part discusses the fundamental theory of animal welfare legislation , including the definition and classification of animal welfare , the origin , development , concept , characteristics of its legislation .

  19. 通过对任务型教学法的起源、任务的定义、任务型教学的教学原则的探讨分析出为什么任务型教学法适应现在的中国英语教学;

    Through the discussion of the origin of the method , the definition of " task " and the teaching principle , the paper wants to find why Task-based teaching method is suitable for our students .

  20. 在前贤研究的基础上,用文献资料和考古资料相结合的方法,探讨了秦军法的起源、内容、特点和意义。

    On the basis of research done by predecessors , the origin , contents , characteristics and significance of the martial law of the Qin Dynasty are discussed in a way of bibliography materials combined with archaeological materials .

  21. 本文对1980年以来关于谥法的起源、生称谥问题、谥号问题、谥法的作用影响、谥法文献著述等研究成果进行了归纳与总结,并提出了自己的一些思考。

    Since this article to 1979 about shi-fa the origin , lives called shi question , shi number research , shi-fa the function influence , shi research results and so on law literature writings have carried on the induction and the summary , and proposed own some ponders .

  22. 专职法司的起源与中国司法传统的特征

    The Origin of Professional Judge and Characteristics of China 's Judicial Tradition

  23. 《内经》诊法学说的起源与形成研究

    A Study on the Origin and Development of the Theory of Diagnosis of Neijing

  24. 论法人类学的起源与发展

    On the Origin and Development of Legal Anthropology

  25. 法多的起源可能混合了非洲奴隶的节奏和葡萄牙水手传统音乐,并受到阿拉伯的影响。

    Fado origins are probably from a mixture of African slave rhythms with traditional music of Portuguese sailors , with Arabic influence .

  26. 探讨了法人类学的起源与发展,认为法律多元是法人类学的基本立场。

    This essay discusses about the origin and development of legal anthropology , and concludes that legal pluralism is the basic stand of legal anthropology .

  27. 本文对动物福利法的历史起源、现状及意义进行了叙述,并对动物福利法的立法宗旨、福利标准、结构框架及对中国法制进程的影响等诸方面进行了讨论。

    In this article , the history origin , present status and significance of animal welfare law were described . Also , the legislative aim , the welfare standard , the law frame and its influence to legal system progress of China were discussed .

  28. 该部分重点讨论了法的本质的起源。

    This part focuses on the origin of the nature of law .

  29. 该部分主要是追述法的形式的起源。

    This part mainly retraces the origin of the form of the law .

  30. 法向力的起源与绳子上的张力的起源相似。

    The origin of the normal force is similar to the origin of tension in a string .