
hénɡ pínɡ fǎ
  • equity;equitable;law of equity
  1. 衡平法上的Estate是研究Estate体系不可忽视的重要组成,其主要通过信托的使用而创设。

    Third , Equitable estate , it is an important component of estate system , and can not be ignored . It is created mainly by trust .

  2. 我们必须考虑强制履行和其他的一些衡平法的救济。

    10.We have to consider specific performance and other equitable remedies .

  3. lien在英美法上大致可以分为两个大类:衡平法上的lien和法律上的lien。

    In Anglo-American legal system , lien can be roughly divided into two broad categories : equitable lien and legal lien .

  4. 失去衡平法的信托FDC外形不规则;

    Trusts Without Equity : Expansion of the Notion of Trust and China Trust Law Opportunities and Challenges The shape of FDC body was irregular .

  5. 正如英国的衡平法,面对法律的缺陷时予以弥补。

    Just like the British law , it repair the legal defect .

  6. 衡平法上的诉讼请求应该由法官先审理。

    The equity claim should be tried first , before the judge .

  7. 此外,还论述衡平法上的两种责任方式:撤销交易和禁令。

    And it also demonstrates the equitable relief : rescission and injunction .

  8. 传统的侵犯版权的救济是衡平法上的救济。

    The classic remedy for copyright infringement is equitable relief .

  9. 阻碍和束缚衡平法上的赎回板均是无效的。

    A clog or fetter on the equity of redemption is void .

  10. 论英国衡平法的起源

    On the Value of Ruling-by-law On Derivation of British Equity

  11. 当现存的法律不能作出令人满意的判决时衡平法就生效

    When the existing laws fail to render a satisfactory judgment , equity apply

  12. 普通采邑权在性质上,可是普通法的,也可是衡平法的。

    A fee simple estate may be either legal or equitable in nature .

  13. 信托制度是英国衡平法的伟大创造。

    Trust is a great creation of British Equity .

  14. 浮动担保制度起源于英国十九世纪的衡平法。

    Floating charges were invented by the British equity in the nineteenth century .

  15. 衡平法是对普通法律规则中瑕疵部分的矫正。

    Equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts .

  16. 衡平法年代久远并且复杂。

    The law of equity is ancient and complicated .

  17. 这成了典型的衡平法所具备的特殊观念。

    This became the characteristic idea of classical equity .

  18. 最近他们制定了一部衡平法。

    They enacted a law of equity recently .

  19. 衡平法视受益人为财产的衡平法上的所有者。

    The law of equity regards the beneficiary as the equitable owner of the property .

  20. 受托人享有普通法上的所有权,受益人享有衡平法上的所有权。

    Legal ownership rests with the trustee , and equitable ownership rests with the beneficiary .

  21. 衡平法的推定信托研究

    A Study of Constructive Trust on Equity

  22. 信托源于英国的衡平法,是一种特殊的财产管理制度。

    Trust , as a special property management system , roots from Equity of Britain .

  23. 衡平法的权利戒要求。

    An equitable right or claim .

  24. 信托制度源自于英美法系的衡平法,是一种关于特定财产的信任关系。

    Derived from Anglo-American Equity , trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to specific property .

  25. 法官认为这个救济方法已经使原告得到充分的补偿了,不需再用衡平法上的救济方法了。

    The judge deemed it sufficient to compensate the plaintiff , making an equitable remedy unnecessary .

  26. 而诚实信用原则的衡平法功能正是对这一缺陷的有益弥补。

    However , the equitable function of the bona fide doctrine could offset this very deficiency .

  27. 衡平法由机构的负债和个人资财净值所得的利益组成。

    Equities consist of the organization 's liabilities together with the equity interest of its owners .

  28. 但衡平法的介入强制受托人履行信托。

    However , Equity intervention by " conscience " and " fair " to compel the trustee .

  29. 在英美法系相对应的是起源于衡平法的中间禁令制度。

    A corresponding one in the anglo-american law system is interlocutory injunction which originated from equitable law .

  30. 衡平法的胜利&大法官法院与普通法法院的管辖权冲突

    Victory of Equity : the Jurisdiction Conflicts between the Chancery and the Common Law Courts in England