
  • 网络hengshui university;Hengshui College
  1. 衡水学院大学生健康知识与行为调查

    Research of the Students ' Health Knowledge and Healthy Behavior at Hengshui University

  2. 为了研究大学生“考证”的心理状况,主要采用问卷调查法对衡水学院在校的大学生进行了研究。

    To study the psychological condition of these students , questionnaires are conducted on the students from Hengshui University .

  3. 反向教学法与大学英语教学改革&衡水学院大学英语教学改革实践

    Contra-traditional Teaching Approach and College English Teaching Reform & The Practice of College English Reform in Hengshui University

  4. 选取衡水学院大学一年级正在学习该课程的学生作为研究对象,就一些简单的问题进行了检验。

    We selected freshman in Hengshui College who are learning this course as the research object and tested a number of simple questions .

  5. 河北师范大学、保定学院、石家庄学院、衡水学院等省内高师院校都相继开设了手风琴专业课。

    Hebei Normal University , Baoding University , Shijiazhuang College , Hengshui Normal College and other institutions have the province have set up specialized courses accordion .