
  • 网络hengyang;Hengyang County
  1. 衡阳县主要农产品产地土壤重金属污染状况研究

    Study on Soil Polluted by Heavy Metal of Main Agricultural Product Habitat in Hengyang County

  2. 用优势包装项目,用项目凸显产业是衡阳县实施“项目兴县”战略的得意之作。

    With the advantages of packaging projects , with project highlights the industry is the Hengyang County , the implementation of " Project Xingxian " strategy editing software .

  3. 农田灌溉水总镉超标较高,占点位的15%;衡阳县农田灌溉水质量最差,从整体上来看没有受到污染。

    The total cadmium of irrigation water exceeds standard , accounts for 15 % ; The irrigation water of Hengyang county is the worst in quality , but it is unpolluted on the whole .

  4. 衡阳、邵东两县交界地区的过渡型方言开口结构声场分析的两种边界元方法

    The Transitional Dialect on the Boundary Area between Hengyang and Shaodong County ; Two BEM Methods for Acoustic Field Analysis of Open Structure