
shǒu fǎ
  • be law-abiding;abide by the law;observe the law;keep the law
守法 [shǒu fǎ]
  • [abide by the law] 遵守法律或法令

  • 奉公守法

守法[shǒu fǎ]
  1. 在1887年法案通过后的一个时期内,铁路公司经理们似乎极愿守法。

    Railroad managers seemed eager to abide by the law for a brief time after the adoption of the act of1887 .

  2. 守法道德的实质在于拥有守法精神。而守法就其要求看,既包含对法律义务的格守,又同时包含对法定权利的积极追求。

    Abide by the law it require and watch and include and at to abide by legal obligations , include at the same time .

  3. 守法是我们的一个原则问题。

    Observance of the law is a matter of principle for us

  4. 示威者一定要遵纪守法。

    The demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace .

  5. 大体上,这些人都是热爱和平、遵纪守法的公民。

    By and large , these people are peace-loving , law-abiding citizens .

  6. 让守法的人持有枪械并不会惹麻烦。

    Gun ownership by law-abiding people was not a problem .

  7. 诈骗犯经常会被正直守法的朋友和邻居告发。

    Fraudsters are often shopped by honest friends and neighbours .

  8. 他说自己的建议是:“不要逞英雄,要遵纪守法。”

    He said his advice was : ' No heroics , stay within the law '

  9. 大多数人都遵纪守法。

    Most people obey the law

  10. 首相说:“我非常希望法律能保护正派的守法公民和他们的财产。”

    The Prime Minister said : ' I am anxious that the law should protect decent law-abiding citizens and their property '

  11. 一个好公民必须守法。

    A good citizen must obey the law .

  12. 他素来守法。

    He always abides by the law .

  13. 谁都应该守法。

    Everyone should observe the law .

  14. 不守法可能会引起麻烦。

    Disobeying the law can head to trouble .

  15. 申请人请求司法审理以便废除责令某人守法的命令。

    The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bin-dover order .

  16. 我们必须守法。

    It is obligatory for us to obey the laws .

  17. 鉴于巴克莱(barclays)和渣打(standardchartered)最近出现的类似问题,美国方面提出的疑问就是:为什么英国和欧洲大陆的银行未能更加守法?

    Given similar recent problems at Barclays and standard chartered the question from the US perspective becomes : Why are British and European banks not more law compliant ?

  18. 入世后,如何实施WTO协议成为摆在我国政府面前的一项重要课题。实施WTO协议,涉及立法、执法、司法和守法等诸多层面。

    It is an important task for the Chinese government to implement the WTO treaty with the WTO membership , which is involved in several aspects including formulating and implementing laws and regulations as well as jurisdiction and law - abiding .

  19. JOD公司设计项目团队运行评价指标包括:完成工作任务、设计质量、顾客满意度、协作精神、创新能力、遵章守法六个方面。

    That of JOD has six parts , including tasks completion , design quality , customer satisfaction , teamwork , innovation , compliance and law-abiding .

  20. 这种做法不尊重人、没有人性,对于守法公民是一种侮辱。

    They are disrespectful , dehumanising and abusive of law-abiding citizens .

  21. 儒家思想与大学生守法意识培养研究

    Confucian Thought and the Awareness of Law-abiding Culture of University Students

  22. 拿着警徽就得遵纪守法

    There are rules and regulations that come with that badge .

  23. 加强高校基层思想政治工作者的守法意识

    Reinforce " Law-Abiding " Concept of Ideological Tutors at Higher Institutions

  24. 守法者和某些规定或法律保持一致的人。

    One that is in accord with certain rules or laws .

  25. 守法少年与犯罪少年家庭功能比较研究

    The Comparative Study on Family Function of Juvenile and Delinquent

  26. 论守法的成本与效益

    Theory . On the Costs and Benefits of Abiding by the Law

  27. 我们必须守法,总统也不例外。

    We must all obey the law , not except the president .

  28. 构建知法懂法守法的高校学生管理队伍

    On Training Law-aware and-abiding Staff of Student Management in College

  29. 拥有枪支的人大多是守法公民,而且使用非常谨慎。

    Most guns are owned by law-abiding citizens and are used carefully .

  30. 执法人员现场对经营者进行了守法经营宣法教育。

    Law enforcement personnel on-site operators to carry out the law-Xuan education .