
shǒu jiù pài
  • conservatives;old liners;old fogy
守旧派 [shǒu jiù pài]
  • [square;conservative liner] 局外人或在爱好、举止或生活方式上古板、守旧,或自恃高尚,持保守态度的人

  1. 因此他们把一切持中国文化本位立场的人都看成守旧派、复古派、封建卫道士。

    So they looked on all the people who held Chinese culture standard as old liners , back-to-the-ancients liners and feudal apologists .

  2. 这一理论遭到了守旧派科学家的普遍嘲笑。

    This theory is widely derided by conventional scientists .

  3. 在这个许多企业家都声称自己创业是为了帮助他人或改善社会的时代,迈克尔奥利弗(michaeloliver)算得上是一个守旧派。

    In an age when many entrepreneurs claim their motivation is to help others or improve society , Michael Oliver is old-school .

  4. 然而,对于守旧派的Windows粉丝来说,Windows8.1带来的变化可能太大了,这也是为什么我认为Windows7对XP的原有用户来说更合适。

    Still , Windows 8.1 may be a radical change of pace for old-school Windows lovers , which is why I think Windows 7 makes a lot more sense for XP exiles .

  5. Hugo的朋友们和支持者即浪漫主义者们和守旧派的支持者们——新古典主义者之间的争辩。

    between Hugo 's friends and supporters , the Romantics , and the Neoclassicists , the supporters of the old school .

  6. 我们将回到守旧派!

    We 're about to take it to the old school !

  7. 晚清守旧派官僚集团研究

    Study on the Conservative Bureaucratic Faction of the Late Qing

  8. 守旧派的支持使他陷入与进步派的纠纷中。

    His vigorous backing of the Conservatives got him in trouble with progressives .

  9. 尽管法院为守旧派所操纵,布兰代斯仍在那天的辩论中获胜。

    Brandeis 's argument won the day even though the court was dominated by traditionalists .

  10. 我的同事称我为守旧派。

    My colleagues have called me old-fashioned .

  11. 同时,用一个键盘,或守旧派钢笔来装备。

    We will equip Jordan , meanwhile , Jordan with a keyboard or an old-school pen .

  12. 乔治-艾略特的家庭完全算不上知识阶层,还不如说是地道的守旧派。

    George Eliot 's family was by no means intellectual . Rather , they were politely conventional .

  13. 个人性格气质等心理特征、所受教育以及所处的社会环境等因素的影响是刘锡鸿成为典型守旧派的自身原因。

    LIU became a typical conservative partly because of his own personality , education and social environment .

  14. 说到底,她仍是一位温文尔雅、礼貌可嘉的守旧派的贵妇人。

    She was , to the end , a gentlewoman of the old school , gracious and mannerly .

  15. perhaps:也许,可能old-school:(尤指党派中的)守旧派,老派thinking:思考,思想fatherly:父亲的bias:偏见clouded:阴云密布的judgment:判断,评判所以…也许一些陈旧的思想和父亲的偏见阻碍了我的判断。

    Bart : So perhaps , some , uh , old-school thinking and fatherly bias clouded my judgment .

  16. 许多当妈妈的现在工作了,这未必就像许多守旧派所担心的那样会危及家庭。

    The fact that many mothers now work need not threaten the family , us so many traditionalists fear .

  17. 另外,他是个守旧派,坚决反对女人当领袖。

    He was also dead set against having a woman at the top , being very much of the old school .

  18. “亨德森已经从人们眼中的守旧派转型为创新者,”他表示。

    " Henderson has gone through a big transformation from being seen as old-fashioned to being innovative , " he says .

  19. 但却听起守旧派说网络是如何如何地摧毁一切,我们人类又是如何如何地被其腐蚀。

    I hear the old-schoolers talk about how the internet is killing everything , how we humans are deteriorating because of it .

  20. 这里也有一个年轻人,他名叫安吉尔克莱,是一位严厉而热情的守旧派牧师的小儿子。

    And here , too , was a young man , the youngest son of a stern and zealous divine of the old school .

  21. 所以每当我听见守旧派讨论网络是个坏东西的时候,我就好奇难道他们不想过得更好么?

    So every time I hear the old-schoolers talk about how the internet is a bad thing , I wonder why they wouldn 't want to be better .

  22. 一些领先公司为了让员工长相厮守,采取了一些让守旧派觉得过于温柔的做法:他们要确保员工过得快乐。

    And to increase commitment , some leading companies are taking an approach that some traditionalists might find too soft : they want to make sure that workers have fun .

  23. 从洋务初期京师同文馆开始,到戊戌时期大学堂仕学院,都提出了让官员入学堂学习西学、新学的思想,只是由于守旧派的阻挠未能付诸实施。

    From the capital Tong-wen house to the Official House of Capital University in Wu Xu Period , the thought to make official studying new science at school was put forward .

  24. 学校守旧派卖掉了学校的煤斗;如果学校守旧派卖掉了学校的煤斗,学校将责骂并解散学校守旧派。

    The old school scold sold the school coal scuttle ; if the old school scold sold the school coal scuttle , the school should scold and scuttle the old school scold .

  25. 中国的守旧派认为,网上购物是危险的,卖的商品都是假货,你会经常上当受骗。

    The old school of thought here in China is that it is dangerous to buy online , that the products are all fake , and that you will often lose your money .

  26. 中国的“守旧派”认为,网上购物是危险的,卖的商品都是假货,你会经常上当受骗。

    The " old school of thought " here in China is that it is dangerous to buy online , that the products are all fake , and that you will often lose your money .

  27. 郭敬明和其青少年以及20岁左右的粉丝军团对评论家的话做出回击,说他们是远离中国90后的守旧一派。这一代人出生于中国消费文化刚刚起步的时代。

    Guo and his legions of teen and twentysomething fans have hit back , saying critics are fuddy-duddies who are out of touch with China 's " post-90s generation . " This group came of age as the nation 's consumer culture was taking off .

  28. 守旧的保守派已经重新掌控了政治大权。

    The conservative old guard had re-established its political supremacy