
  • 【医】abstinence
  1. 简朴并不严苛,也不是对于自我重要性一种守戒式的确认。

    Austerity is not harsh , not a disciplined assertion of self-importance .

  2. 所以,假如有新入佛门的人,关于佛的智慧问题,有这样不正确认识的话,那麽他们当然会相信守戒是不重要的。

    It makes perfect sense that someone with such a notion of Prajna would think that precepts are unimportant .

  3. 做为一个如法守戒的佛教比丘,我保证,我的愿望是真诚的,我的动机是诚恳的!

    As a simple monk who strives to live his daily life according to Buddhist precepts , I assure you of the sincerity of my personal motivation .

  4. 一般的菩萨都知道文殊师利菩萨守不盗戒是真的。

    The other Bodhisattvas then knew that Manjushri Bodhisattva had truly upheld the precept against stealing .