
shǒu sāng
  • Mourning;keep vigil beside the coffin
守丧 [shǒu sāng]
  • [keep vigil beside the coffin] 守灵

守丧[shǒu sāng]
  1. 我想为帕多守丧。

    I want to have a wake for petai .

  2. 居处变守丧期间,家里的布置要有哀伤的氛围。

    During this period we would arrange our home to reflect our grief and sorrow .

  3. 在马萨诸塞州,守丧期间,哀悼者只能吃三个三明治。

    In Massachusetts at a wake , mourners may eat no more than three sandwiches .

  4. 论中国古代守丧制度的法律化

    On the Legalization of the System of Keeping Vigil beside the Dead in Ancient China

  5. 不过,这也只是类似于英国葬礼和爱尔兰守丧之间的差别。

    But that 's only like the difference between an English funeral and an Irish wake .

  6. “琼斯太太的丈夫死后,她穿黑衣服守丧六个月。”

    " After her husband died , Mrs Jones dressed in black for six months . "

  7. 守丧期间,死者家人不能戴珠宝首饰,不能穿红衣服,因为红色象征着喜庆。

    During the wake , the family does not wear jewellery or red clothing , red being the colour of happiness .

  8. 在美国白色是代表纯洁的颜色,然而在东方的文化中白色是守丧的标志。

    White is a color of purity in the United states , while it is a sign of mourning in eastern cultures .

  9. 守丧时,死者的家人聚在棺材的旁边,按照家庭里的长幼尊卑排好顺序。

    At the wake , the family of the deceased gather around the coffin , positioned according to their order in the family .

  10. 守丧期间要不停地烧泊纸和纸钱(这是给死者在冥间使用的)。

    loss paper and prayer money ( to provide the deceased with sufficient income in the afterlife ) are burned continuously throughout the wake .

  11. 守丧期的长短取决于死者家庭的贫富,但至少要有一天时间来作法事。

    The length of the wake depends upon the financial resources of the family , but is at least a day to allow time for prayers to be offered .

  12. 我守丧的时候,没有吃这圣物。不洁净的时候,也没有拿出来,又没有为死人送去。

    I have not eaten any of the sacred portion while I was in mourning , nor have I removed any of it while I was unclean , nor have I offered any of it to the dead .

  13. 替父母守丧的三年里,我们应该要常惦记着父母养育之恩未报而感到悲伤哽咽。

    During the first three years of mourning arter my parents have passed away , I will remember them with gratitude and feel sad often for not being able to repay them for their kindness in raising me .

  14. 中国古代的守丧制度是指服丧者在丧期内的行为规范,是丧服制度的重要内容。守丧制度是儒家“孝道”的重要体现,其基本要求就是尽“哀”。

    The system of keeping vigil beside the dead in ancient China refers to the norms of behavior of the mourners while in mourning and is an important exhibition of the Confucian filial duty , whose basic requirement is a full expression of mournfulness .