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shǒu zhì
  • Compliance; observe the prescribed period of mourning (usu. 27 months) for one's deceased parent;mourning period
守制 [shǒu zhì]
  • [mourning] 旧时父母或祖父母死后,儿子或长孙在家守孝二十七个月,在此期间,不任官、应考、嫁娶等,叫做守制

  1. 具有个体主体意识的公民对现有制度的认同及积极守制精神将有力的保障公正的社会制度的落实。

    Citizens of the existing system that will be strong and positive spirit widowed just social security system implementation .

  2. 他常和居丧的朋友、守制的家庭、在柩旁叹息的神甫们混在一处。

    He mingled with the friends clad in mourning , with families dressed in black , with the priests groaning around a coffin .

  3. 而狭义的丁忧实际上就是指古代官员的父母(包括嫡亲父母与继父母)、祖父母丧亡后,官员必须离职回籍、服丧守制的一种制度。

    While in the narrow sense ," dingyou " actually refers to that in ancient times , when the parents ( including step parents ) and grandparents of an official die , the official has to resign and return to their hometown to do the mourning .

  4. 学校改革的矛盾&标准化、守式教学、制的问题。

    Contradictions of School Reform - Standardization , Defensive Teaching , and the Problems of Control .