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  • 网络the chaling school
  1. 论文以成化、弘治年间的茶陵派为研究对象。

    This dissertation is mainly studying and analyzing the Chaling school .

  2. 茶陵派研究

    Study on the Chaling School

  3. 20世纪茶陵派研究回顾

    A Historical Retrospect on Chaling Poetic School in the 20 Century

  4. 论茶陵派与陈庄体山林派之关系

    On the Relations and Communication between the Chaling Poetry Group and the Chen-Chuang Hermit Poetry Group

  5. 拟古乐府的创作不仅影响到茶陵派成员,对时人和后人也有影响。

    Not only affects to Chaling sends the member , also has the influence to the time person and the posterity .

  6. 罗玘是明代中期文坛的重要作家,亦是茶陵派的骨干成员。

    Luo Qi , an important writer in the middle period of Ming Dynasty , is also the key members of the Chaling school .

  7. 对诗话的研究,有利于探讨茶陵派的理论基石,特别是茶陵派“格调”说的形成对整个明代诗话理论产生深远的影响。

    It studies this theoretics can help us to elaborate on their system info , especially the Gediao theory has far-reaching influences on the later theory .

  8. 到了成化、弘治年间,吴地作家成为茶陵派的重要组成部分,他们的创作表现出明显的地域特色。

    During the reign of Chenghua and Hongzhi , writers came from Wu region were important part of Chaling School and their writings embodied distinct characteristics .

  9. 很多茶陵派作家供职于馆阁,因而可以说茶陵派文风是台阁体之一种;

    However , since many Chaling writers served court offices , it follows to say that the style of the Chaling school was a kind of the officialese style .