
chá lóu
  • a teahouse with two or more storeys
茶楼 [chá lóu]
  • [teahouse] 设在楼中的茶馆--多用做茶馆的名称

  1. 南华茶楼(NomWahTeaParlor)是纽约市最古老的一家供应早茶的餐厅。

    Nom Wah Tea Parlor is the city 's oldest dim sum destination .

  2. 我还在茶楼当了一回服务员。

    And I served as a waiter at a teahouse .

  3. 那我就先在这家茶楼休息一会儿。

    I 'll take a rest at this teahouse .

  4. 我还真不能开这个茶楼。

    I really should not open a teahouse .

  5. 每周五,雅各布斯都会在位于耶尔巴布埃纳和海耶斯谷的茶楼举办品茶会。

    Jacobs hosts Friday tea tastings at his Yerba Buena and Hayes Valley locations .

  6. 雅各布斯拒绝连锁店整齐划一的模式,他试图让每家沙莫瓦茶楼的风格都与周围的环境协调统一。

    Resisting chain-store uniformity , Jacobs tries to match each Samovar to its neighborhood .

  7. 精通茶楼经营,有较丰富的茶艺知识。

    Know well how to manage a teahouse and own rich tea art knowledge .

  8. 从巴渝茶文化解读重庆现代茶楼的设计内涵

    Decoding the Connotation of Modern Tea House Design in Chongqing in Terms of Sichuan Tea Culture

  9. 茶楼又便宜又方便,既可供一家人吃饭,又适合娱乐或者洽谈生意。

    Teahouses were cheap and convenient , as much for family meals as entertaining guests or discussing business .

  10. 那里有一个中式主题花园,有池塘、茶楼和一个长城复制品。

    There was a Chinese-themed garden with ponds , tea houses and a replica of the Great Wall .

  11. 然而,如果说老式的香港茶楼已经衰败了,但是点心这一传统本身却在欣欣向荣地发展。

    But if the old-fashioned Hong Kong teahouse is on the wane , the dim sum tradition itself is flourishing .

  12. 为专业咖啡店、中西餐厅、酒吧茶楼、宾馆酒店、会所、办公室及家庭提供最适宜的咖啡解决方案。

    Provide the most suitable plan of coffee to professional cafe , restaurant , hotel , tea garden , bar and home .

  13. 茶楼有编钟古乐表演,可看,但是要买茶,最低10元一杯。

    In a teahouse there was ancient bell music and dance show , free with purchasing of tea , 10 yuan minimum .

  14. 时至今日,茶楼、餐厅、宾馆、古建筑景区等场合仍大量使用宫灯。

    Which are still applied in many occasions , such as , tea house , restaurant , hotel and Ancient architecture scenic spots .

  15. 杭州市政府目前已将疗养、美食、茶楼、演艺、化妆、保健列为六大潜力产业。

    Sanitarium , Gourmet , Performance art , Tea shop , Cosmetics and Health care are rated as the potential industries in Hangzhou city .

  16. 他一边领着一位记者穿过设计得如同茶楼般拥挤的办公室。

    Huang , assures financing remains available in Wenzhou , as he leads a reporter through crowded offices designed like a Chinese tea house .

  17. 店堂装饰广告是对以店铺、酒肆、茶楼为主体的经营场地进行特殊装饰广告表现形式的统称。

    Decorated advertising of shops is a general designation of a special decorate advertisement form , which deals for stores , pothouses and tea shops .

  18. 戏园茶楼与新式剧场本是两种演出场所,但二者都可称为剧场。

    The teahouse and the new theater of the Opera House was two different venues originally , but both of them can be called theater .

  19. 最后,在对几个相关经典案例进行分析的基础上,借鉴江南民居室内虚拟空间的营造手法,完成了一个茶楼室内设计的案例,进行了一次有益的探索。

    Finally the author completed the useful exploration of the interior design for the virtual space on the basis of research of several classic cases .

  20. 从19世纪20年代到40年代,茶楼雨后春笋般地开遍香港,在香港战后经济振兴中发挥了重要的社会作用。

    From the 1920s until the 1940s , they sprang up all over the territory and acquired a vital social function in the postwar economic boom .

  21. 光顾茶楼成了香港人生活中的一个核心内容,以至于人们在见面寒暄时互问“你喝茶了吗?”

    Visiting a teahouse became so central to Hong Kong life that people began to greet one another by asking " have you had tea yet ? "

  22. 雅各布斯的店铺全由他自己一人打造,没有咨询任何专业设计师。他说:“茶楼里竹桌周围的座位故意设计得很紧凑,这种安排可以鼓励客人们相互混熟,并尝试着点邻桌餐盘里的食物。”

    Jacobs , who built his shops without consulting professional designers , says the setup encourages patrons to mingle and try menu items that beckon from neighbors ' plates .

  23. 杭州坐落在中国东南部最发达的沿海地区,以其繁荣昌盛的经济,多姿多彩的文化,美丽如画的风景而闻名遐迩,尤其是西湖和湖畔居茶楼更是享誉远近。

    Hangzhou , located in China 's most developed southeast coastal area , is renowned for its thriving economy , colorful culture and beautiful landscape especially its famed West Lake and Tea House .

  24. 演唱环境与地点,主要集中在公私宴集等娱乐环境和酒店茶楼歌馆妓院等娱乐场所。

    The performing environments and spots were mainly concentrated in the public and private banquet gatherings or some recreational and amusement place , such as wine shops , teahouses , singsong houses , brothels etc.

  25. 产品美观大方、古朴典雅、天然淳厚,适用于别墅卫浴、茶楼酒店、星级宾馆等要求有特殊装饰风格的高档场所。

    Products are beautiful , classical and in the good taste , and mainly used in toilet and bathroom of the villa , tea bar , drinkery and class hotel where are requested special decoration .

  26. 到清末民初,广州已涌现出了一批著名的老字号茶楼和酒家,陶陶居便是其中的代表之一。

    To the end of Qing dynasty and the early , Guangzhou had emerged in a number of famous " old " tea houses and restaurants ," Tao Taoju " is representative of one of the .

  27. 难得的一个雨过天晴的午后,慵懒的阳光让人心收不下,约好几个女伴坐拥在花红柳绿的户外茶楼一起享受这样的春光。

    On a precious sunny afternoon after rain , the lazy sunshine was luring the people to go out . I invited several female friends to enjoy the spring in the open air amidst red flowers and green trees .