
cán jú
  • ending;the final phase;end-game;final stage of a game of chess;miniature;hopeless situation;the last stages
残局 [cán jú]
  • (1) [final stage of a game of chess;miniature]∶处于最后阶段的棋局

  • (2) [hopeless situation]∶失败或变乱后破败的局面

  • 残局不可收拾

残局[cán jú]
  1. 我们是想要防患未然呢,还是想要事后收拾残局?

    Do we try and prevent problems or do we try and pick up the pieces afterwards ?

  2. 你现在要是失败了,谁来收拾残局?

    If you fail now , who will pick up the pieces ?

  3. 许多人以为bp能止住泄漏,并清理残局。

    Many assumed BP would staunch the flow and clear up the damage .

  4. 你知道的每次妈妈搞得一团糟Mitchell就会来收拾残局

    Oh , you know , mom makes a mess , and there 's mitchell to clean it up .

  5. 她的长期伴侣(如今是她的丈夫)、美国媒体亿万富翁巴里迪勒(BarryDiller)常常出面收拾残局。

    Her long-time partner – and now husband – Barry Diller , the US media billionaire , often appears to pick up the pieces .

  6. 她的长期伴侣(如今是她的丈夫)、美国媒体亿万富翁巴里•迪勒(BarryDiller)常常出面收拾残局。

    Her long-time partner - and now husband - Barry Diller , the US media billionaire , often appears to pick up the pieces .

  7. 总得有人来收拾这残局。

    Somebody 's got to clean this up , you know .

  8. 我被派回来收拾残局。

    I was sent back to clean up the mess .

  9. 有迹象表明,这将是个很糟糕的残局。

    Signs are it will be a pretty bad one .

  10. 书的这一部分全是有关残局的。

    This section of the book is devoted entirely to the endgame .

  11. 我将事业的残局抛诸脑后。

    I left the wreckage of my career behind me .

  12. 国际棋联女子世界冠军赛已经进入残局。

    The women 's FIDE world championship has entered its final phase .

  13. 我已经不打算再为他收拾残局了。

    I just wasn 't going to pull strings for him anymore .

  14. 你惹了麻烦,我来给你收拾残局。

    You get in trouble , I drop everything and fix it .

  15. 一些客人在晚会结束后留下收拾残局。

    After the party a few people stayed behind to help clear up .

  16. 又是汤姆的妈妈在收拾残局了。

    It 's Tom 's mother again who is picking up the bits .

  17. 我们来收拾一下残局吧。

    Let 's try to sort out the mess .

  18. 新加坡之所以干净,是因为我们有清洁工人替我们收拾残局。

    Singapore is clean because we have people to clean up after us .

  19. 残局里没有玛可斯的痕迹么?

    And no trace of Marcus amongst the ashes ?

  20. 谁来收拾残局呢?

    And what about the cleanup and the repair ?

  21. 抱负被进一步扼杀之后,他只好回家去收拾残局。

    With hisaspirationscrushed even further he walked home toassemblewhat was left of his life .

  22. 总得有人帮你收拾残局。

    Someone had to clean up you mess .

  23. 爸爸是想给我收拾残局。

    Dad 's trying to clean it up .

  24. 我承认我失败过,需要神为我收拾残局。

    I 'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess .

  25. 我决定尽我所能自己来收拾残局了。

    I decided to pick up the slack the best way I knew how .

  26. 所以你帮她收拾残局吗?

    So did you help her with crack ?

  27. 他正在收拾残局呢。

    He 's picking up the pieces now .

  28. 我还以为你在博物馆收拾残局。

    I thought you 'd stay in the museum , round up some thugs .

  29. 我们得收拾残局,我们得重新开始。

    We have to pick up the pieces , and we gotta move on .

  30. 客人离开后,谁来收拾这些残局呢?

    Who will do the washing up or cleaning after the guests leave your house ?