
chá hú
  • teapot;teakettle
茶壶 [chá hú]
  • [teapot] 一种供泡茶和斟茶用的带嘴器皿

茶壶[chá hú]
  1. 那把茶壶配有一个可以接滴水的茶托。

    The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips .

  2. 这男孩把茶壶打破了,真可气!

    The boy broke the teapot . How annoying !

  3. 茶壶里还有茶吗?

    Is there any more tea in the pot ?

  4. 煤火烧得正旺,上面的铁茶壶嘶嘶地响个不停。

    The iron teakettle was hissing splendidly over live coals

  5. 那把茶壶是褐色的,带有黄色条纹。

    The tea-pot was brown with yellow bands .

  6. 也许他们又要偷茶壶了。

    Perhaps they 're going to steal the teapot again .

  7. 陈先生说,那个茶壶很值钱。

    That teapot is very valuable , said Mr. Chan .

  8. 收好茶壶。爱你的爸爸。

    Take care of the teapot . Love Dad .

  9. 艾米和她妈妈拿着茶壶走出卧室。

    Amy and her mother came out of the bedroom with the teapot .

  10. 然后他们在茶壶里找到了一张纸条。

    Then they found a note in the teapot .

  11. 他们带到美国的茶壶却被美国警察发现了。

    They took the teapot to America , but the American police found it .

  12. 上个月,一些小偷从香港一家博物馆偷走了一把贵重的茶壶。

    Last month some thieves stole a valuable teapot from a museum in Hong Kong .

  13. 她本想买一双运动鞋,但却发现了一个旧茶壶。

    She was expecting a pair of sports shoes , but she just found an old teapot .

  14. 从远处看,茶壶形的博物馆像是某种巨大的艺术品。

    From far away , the teapot-shaped museum looks like some kind of huge work of art .

  15. 博物馆派工作人员陈先生去收集茶壶。

    The museum sent Mr. Chan , a member of the museum staff , to collect the teapot .

  16. “茶壶在哪儿?”那两个贼红着脸大声喊道。

    " Where ’ s the teapot ? " the two thieves shouted at the top of their voice with red faces .

  17. 在中国贵州,人们可以去参观湄潭茶博物馆,这个博物馆的外形就好像一个大茶壶。

    In Guizhou , China , people can visit the Meitan Tea Museum , built in the shape of a big teapot .

  18. 你把茶壶当朋友,我想你的男人还掉毛。

    You 've got teapots for friends and I think your man 's shedding .

  19. 这个茶壶不好倒。

    This teapot doesn 't pour well .

  20. 当他们吵完了,当他们都因没吃早饭而精疲力尽地蜷曲起身子,Alice打开了茶壶盖,发现里面满是20美金的纸币。

    When they finished , when both were hunched over in exhaustion from not having eaten breakfast , Alice lifted the lid to find the teapot filled with twenty dollar bills .

  21. 在本周的北京国际汽车展览会上,上汽的展厅装饰着塔桥、威廉莎士比亚(williamshakespeare)、一座红色电话亭、一个茶壶和一杯茶的照片。

    Its stand this week at the Auto China show in Beijing was adorned with images of tower bridge , William Shakespeare , a red telephone booth and a teapot with cup of tea .

  22. Ervin时刻准备着应对可能给公司资产负债表和收益带来重创的风险。但是他的大部分工作是“看住炉子上的茶壶”。

    Mr Ervin is ready to clamp down on exposures that might dent the bank 's balance sheet or earnings , but most of his job involves " watching the pots simmering " .

  23. 这个茶壶的全称叫迈克尔-格雷夫斯设计响声不锈钢茶壶,在JCPenney网上售价为35.08英镑,并可以派送到英国。

    The kettle - officially the Michael Graves Design Bells and Whistles Stainless Steel Tea Kettle - retails for £ 35.08 on the JCPenney website , and can be delivered to the UK .

  24. 茫然的司机们在驶过加利福尼亚卡尔弗城405州际公路时,拍下了JCPenney茶壶的巨幅广告图。405州际公路是美国最繁忙的公路之一。

    Bemused motorists took photographs of the huge JCPenney billboard advertising the kettle as they drove past it on the 405 Interstate highway near Culver City in California , one of America 's busiest stretches of roads .

  25. 彭妮:就在那儿,茶壶后面。

    PENNY : It 's over there , behind the teapot .

  26. 这个旧的茶壶被用来给茶水保温。

    The old teapot was used to keep the tea warm .

  27. 他们正打算把睡鼠塞到茶壶里去。

    They were trying to put the dormouse into the teapot .

  28. 茶壶太热了,不要摸。

    Don 't touch the teapot because it is too hot .

  29. 维吾尔族的茶壶做得多精美啊,我猜是银子做的。

    How beautifully crafted I guess it 's made of silver .

  30. 她试图启开茶壶的盖子。

    She tried to prize the lid out of the teapot .