
  1. 我们的目的地是老城东茶屋街(HigashiChaya-Gai),那是一片美丽的木质民房。

    Our destination was the beautiful old wood-fronted part of town called Higasha Chaya-Gai .

  2. 来到金泽的第一个早晨,我径直前往东茶屋街,见到了KiyoeNagashima,她是这里的第6代居民,也是金泽远足组织(KanazawaExcursions)的一名导游。

    On my first morning in Kanazawa , I made abeeline for the neighbourhood of Higashi Chaya and met Kiyoe Nagashima , a6th-generation resident and Kanazawa Excursions guide .

  3. 但东茶屋街却丝毫没有现代化的影子。

    HigashiChaya , however , is anything but modern .