
chá yì
  • tea ceremony
  1. 本杰明:这个啊,相对于仪式,中国的茶艺更加注重茶本身。

    Benjamin : Well , the Chinese tea ceremony emphasizes the tea , rather than the ceremony .

  2. 中国茶艺规范研究

    On the Standard of Chinese Tea Ceremony

  3. 但ItoEn,Inc。负责企业关系的高级副总裁罗娜?蒂松(RonaTison)介绍道,绿茶茶艺可是门精致的学问,大多数人都存在误区。

    But preparing green tea is a delicate process that most people get wrong , says Rona Tison , senior vice president of corporate relations for Ito En , Inc.

  4. 高尔夫球,茶艺以及营养学同样也被列入了选修课名单。

    The classes range from golf to tea ceremonies to nutrition .

  5. 以经营各式茶艺精美小食及各类饮食为主。

    Tea Bar : provide all kinds of tea and drinks .

  6. 中国茶艺:中国是茶叶的故乡。

    Chinese tea art : China is the homeland of tea .

  7. 试论中华茶艺文化阶段的划分

    On the Division of the Periods of Chinese Tea Culture

  8. 茶艺美学是动静结合、断发展的美学。

    It is a developmental aesthetics with the combination of dynamics and statics .

  9. 一种基于茶艺功能的新型自动控制泡茶机

    A novel auto-control infusing tea machine based on the function of tea art

  10. 长沙市茶艺馆调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Teahouses in Changsha City

  11. 精通茶楼经营,有较丰富的茶艺知识。

    Know well how to manage a teahouse and own rich tea art knowledge .

  12. 中国茶艺规范研究我国人口城市化水平分析及道路探索

    An Analysis of the Standard of Chinese Population Urbanization and A Study of Ways

  13. 规范茶艺培训市场提升茶艺人员素质

    Standardize the Market of Tea Art Training and Improve the Quality of Tea Art Personnel

  14. 我们就要去品岩茶、赏茶艺了。

    We 're going to taste some rock tea and enjoy the local tea ceremony .

  15. 茶艺起源于中国,与中国文化的各个层面都有着密不可分的关系。

    Tea originated in China , and all levels of Chinese culture has a close relationship .

  16. 杭州囊括三个茶艺金奖

    Three National Gold Medals for Hangzhou

  17. 罗拉:这里会有茶艺表演的展示吗?

    Laura : Do you think there will be a show of the Chinese tea ceremony ?

  18. 欢迎各位茶友来我们这里切磋一下茶艺,欣赏一下窗外的风光。

    Welcome to our Qie look for tea tea , admire the scenery outside the window .

  19. 我和周小芳今天是我学习举世闻名的四川长嘴茶壶茶艺的第一天。

    Today was my first day of class learning the famous Sichuan " long-billed " teapot .

  20. 绿茶茶艺是一门精致的学问,大多数人都存在误区。

    Making green tea is a delicate process that most people get wrong idea about it .

  21. 在各类文化活动中,富于传统文化内含的茶艺表演,引起了各地文化先进分子的关注和推崇。

    It is one of the elements to establish corporative culture and create a regional cultural atmosphere .

  22. 那儿会有很多工作坊,包括木偶戏,茶艺,美术以及传统故事会等。

    There will be workshops on puppetry , tea tasting , calligraphy , and traditional story telling .

  23. 另有休闲吧、茶艺吧、咖啡厅等等,充满独特的浪漫风情。

    Another lounge bar , tea bar , coffee and so on , full of unique romantic atmosphere .

  24. 茶俗、茶艺、茶礼、茶德和茶道有内在联系又各具特质。茶文化在新时期又有了新的走向和发展。

    Then the writer puts forward his opinions about the trend of tea culture in the new era .

  25. 另外4例与台北万华区一个茶艺馆群聚相关。

    Four other local cases have links to an established cluster involving teahouses in Taipei 's Wanhua District .

  26. 本文着重介绍信阳以茶敬客的饮茶习俗、以茶为礼的风习及信阳毛尖茶艺。

    The tea custom of recepting the guests and Xinyang Maojian tea art in Xinyang have been introduced .

  27. 他还经营着毛里求斯最大的茶艺中心,展示中国传统制茶工艺。

    He also operates the largest tea art center in Mauritius , demonstrating the traditional Chinese way of tea-making .

  28. 古香古色的茶艺馆也很合适一个人品茶看书或是三两好友喝茶聊天。

    The antique of tea house is also suitable for a person to read or drink and chat with friends .

  29. 参加培训的学员将参加各种课程,其中包括服装搭配、茶艺和电影欣赏等。

    Those who enroll will be taught various classes , including how to match clothes , tea art and movies .

  30. 日本茶艺爱好者举办了世界上最大的茶会,而科威特则出现了最大金额的支票。

    Japanese tea lovers are staging the world 's largest tea party and Kuwait is offering the world 's largest cheque .