
  1. 佛教在晋朝时传入黄山,轩辕峰下曾建有轩­辕古刹。

    Huangshan in the Jin dynasty , when Buddhism introduced , under the peak Regulus Regulus temple was built .

  2. 中果皮是构建果皮的主体,由龟裂片峰下的厚壁组织、上中果皮和下中果皮构成;

    The mesocarp , being the main body of a pericarp , contained sclerenchyma , upper mesocarp and lower mesocarp .

  3. 世界海拔最高的马拉松比赛日前在珠穆朗玛峰下结束。尼泊尔选手迪帕克·拉伊荣获第一名,成绩是3小时28分27秒。

    Deepak Rai won the fourth edition of the Tenzing-Hillary Everest Marathon after completing the race in race in3 hours , 28 minutes and27 seconds .

  4. 峰下有一长方形白色岩壁,上刻「重崖叠嶂巫峡」六个大字,相传为诸葛亮所书。

    A peak under the rectangular white wall , engraved on the " overlapping peaks Cliff Wu Gorge ," the six characters , word for the wise book .

  5. 桃花溪上游的紫云峰下,有一块巨石,形如醉汉,斜立溪畔。

    In the upper reaches of the stream towers the Purple Cloud Peak below which is an enormous rock that stands leaning to one side looking like a tipsy old man .

  6. 人们感激三公主,寄托对她的思念之情,将绕过独秀峰下的河流取名叫“漓江”。

    To show their gratitude and longing for the Third Princess , the people have therefore named the river flowing under the Peak of Solitary Beauty Li'Jiang or River of Parting .

  7. “娲皇氏只用了三万六千五百块,只单单剩了一块未用,便弃在此山青埂峰下”到青春发育期,距骨也不出现增长高峰。

    She used only thirty-six thousand five hundred of these and threw the remaining block down at the foot of Blue Ridge peak . At puberty , a temporal sudden increase was not found in the talus .

  8. 奶奶说她看到易峰的下牙床上有两个白点了,但我还没看见。

    Still no teeth yet , but grandma thinks she 's seeing a couple of spots where they 're about to break through .

  9. 反之,在较低阳极峰电位下则肥粒体相溶解速率远大于沃斯田体相。

    On the other hand , the ferritic (α) phase has greater dissolution rate than that of austenitic phase at the lower peak potential .

  10. 结果发现:峰时效下,合金的蠕变抗力强于过时效状态下材料的蠕变抗力。

    The results indicate that on the condition of peak aging , the materials show higher resistant to creep than those overaged materials do .

  11. 芙蓉三冠之主峰“南岩”,相传南宋末代皇帝就是从此峰跳下自杀的地方,颇有点“江南景山”的味道。

    Hibiscus three of the highest peak " Nanyan ," Legend has it that the Southern Song Dynasty Last Emperor suicide jumped from the peak , quite points ," Jiangnan Jingshan " flavor .

  12. 一组专家来到了珠穆朗玛峰的山脚下。

    A group of experts arrived at the foot of Mount Qomolangma .

  13. 为了获得更好的稳谱效果,在设定的多个参考峰的前提下,采用数字PID算法来调节系统参数,获得了良好的效果。航空γ能谱系统已经完成。

    To obtained good results , the method with digital PID algorithm and multi-peak position to adjust the system parameters Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry system was completed .

  14. 病灶NAA,Cr和Cho的相对值以病侧和对侧各代谢物共振峰谱线下积分面积的比值来表示。

    The signals from NAA , Cr , and Cho in the lesions were compared with those on the contralateral side as peak area ratios .

  15. 在抑制强溶剂峰的条件下测量T1值

    T_1 measurement under strong solvent signal suppression

  16. 峰谷电价下的梯级水电站短期优化调度分析

    Analysis and Application of Short-Term Optimization Operation of Cascade Reservoir Power Plant under Peak-and-valley Electricity Rates

  17. 对短峰波作用下复合式防波堤前的孔隙水压力响应进行了模拟。

    The short-crested wave induced excess pore pressure response in the vicinity of the composite breakwater is simulated .

  18. 峰局五矿下组煤带压开采的可行性与建议

    The feasibility and suggestion on the exploiting of the lower series coal with water pressure in Fengfeng five mine

  19. 一个189人的小村子,原本是奥德省地区一个安静祥和的农村,位于法国西南最高山峰比加哈什峰的山脚下。

    Bugarach , population 189 , is a peaceful farming village in the Aude region , southwestern France and sits at the foot of the Pic de Bugarach , the highest mountain in the Corbi è res wine-growing area .

  20. 从CV曲线来看,其氧化还原峰也没有常温下聚合的材料明显。

    From the CV curves , the redox peak at low temperature was not obvious as that at room temperature .

  21. TEM揭示了柯石英和寄主矿物石英之间为共晶格取向连生关系,并寻找到在峰期变质条件下高盐流体存在的有力证据。

    TEM reveals that the relationship between coesite and the host quartz is syntaxy and provides strong evidence of the occurrence of high-salty fluids at peak metamorphic conditions .

  22. AP比表面积的增大会导致推进剂初始分解温度、高低温热分解峰温和高低温下分解反应活化能的降低,但分解反应速度常数随AP比表面积的增大而增大。

    The increase of AP specific surface area lead to decrease of initial decomposition temperature , decomposition peak temperature and decomposition activation energy , but reaction rate constant rise .

  23. 浸泡腐蚀实验结果表明:在峰时效的状态下,在0.5%Cu以上的合金中可观察到明显的晶间腐蚀,而且随着Cu含量的增加,合金最大腐蚀深度增加;

    The results of immersion corrosion tests show that obvious intergranular corrosion is detected on the alloys with over 0.5 % Cu and the maximum corrosion depth increases with increasing Cu content after the precipitation treatment .

  24. 我们还研究了这些发光峰在低温15K下的流体静压压力行为。

    The pressure behaviors of these emission bands were studied at 15K .

  25. 应用动态高温X射线衍射技术,研究了AlPO4分子筛的热稳定性及随温度变化的X射线衍射峰强度,常温下考察了不同吸附时间下X射线衍射谱峰强度的变化。

    By using the dynamic method , the thermal stability of molecular sieves AlPO_4 and the change of their X-ray diffraction peaks were examined at different temperatures . At room temperature the change of the adsorption subject to different time period was also performed .

  26. 主要研究了高储能密度多层陶瓷电容器(MLC)在不同充放电频率、充电电压、充放电占空比和放电反峰系数等条件下的寿命特性,并对其失效机理进行分析。

    This paper mainly discusses the life characteristic and failure mechanism of the multilayer ceramic capacitor ( MLC ) under various working conditions such as charge-discharge frequency , charge voltage , charge-discharge duty radio and discharge inverse peak factor .

  27. 研究了后峰锯齿脉冲激励下洗衣机缓冲包装系统的冲击响应。

    The shock response of washing cushioning system is investigated under the action of bock crest tooth pulse .

  28. 峰谷电价体制下东北输油管网日输油优化研究

    Study of the Optimal Scheme for the Daily Operation of Northeastern Oil Pipeline Network Based on the Peak-valley Price

  29. 它的边峰在任意情况下都被展宽,而且当光场起伏的压缩方向与光场振幅的相干激发方向不平行或不垂直时,辐射光谱均呈现不对称分布。

    The positions of the side peaks and the character of symmetry of radiation spectrum depend upon the coherent excitation direction and the squeezing direction of the driving field .

  30. 通过改变X光源的功率,发现高功率下Cu2p3/2的光电子峰相对于低功率下的Cu2p3/2峰有011eV的位移。

    We found that by increasing the power of the X ray source , the photoemission peak of Cu 2 p 3 / 2 shows a positive shift towards higher binding energy .