- peak value;crest value;apex;summit

[peak value;crest value] 在所考虑的时间间隔内,变化的电流、电压或功率的最大瞬间值
The formula of the parameter b and the peak value A of blasting vibration is obtained .
Peak value AGC circuit pH control additive
The party 's membership has fallen from a peak of fifty-thousand after the Second World War
According to a new study , the number of 5 advertisements with green messages in mainstream magazines has risen since 1987 , and peaked in 2008 at 10.4 % .
While Thanksgiving , Black Friday and Cyber Monday all saw record spending online , in-store sales plunged over the holiday weekend .
As water tables have fallen and irrigation wells have gone dry , China 's wheat crop , the world 's largest , has declined by 8 % since it peaked at 123 million tons in 1997 .
Loe noted , there 's a moment when it 's bursting with its absolute peak flavor .
While clean energy is increasingly used in our daily life , global warming will continue for some decades after CO2 emissions peak .
So that peak expiratory flow rate , I 've entered it up into the interactive software model .
So what it shows -- if you want to focus on that top graph in the right-hand corner -- it shows Julie 's actual peak expiratory flow rate in the yellow bar .
So , while the global lockdown saw carbon emissions from transport and industry drop by as much as 17 % at their peak , large amounts of the gas were still being produced , adding to the overall total .
This is the measurement that she took in her doctor 's office . In the blue bar at the bottom of the graph , it shows what her peak expiratory flow rate , what her exhalation rate or lung health , should be based on her age , gender and height .
So Julie 's going to her doctor 's office to get treated for her asthma . And the doctor has her sit down , and he takes her peak expiratory flow rate -- which is essentially her exhalation rate , or the amount of air that she can breathe out in one breath .
Results Tissue velocity imaging of normal subjects contained regular negative waves e and a.
Forecasts from the US Energy Information Administration suggest that crude production will also come close to its 1970 peak in the next few years .
The expression time course of catalase gene in rat lens infected by recombinant adenovirus was determined by Western blotting .
Results The standard X ray diffraction Fourier pattern and characteristic diffraction peaks of G. gecko and A.
SVM Model with Peak Value Recognition and Its Application to Hourly Water Consumption Forecasting
It would be optimized greatly for the ability to process in peak load of Web server and cutting down the latency to call dynamic contents .
The tan δ peak temperature ascend as the softening point rising .
LH peak values were also determined in 48 cycles .
The HPLC chromatograms of saponin extracted from suspension cell were consistent with those from conventional cultivation or tissue culture seedlings .
Results ( 1 ) The curve of common femoral vein showed a broad shape : including the rise to the peak value and slower subsequent decline .
Its peak usually appeared around 1000 LST ( Local Standard Time ), which was earlier than the UV peak appearance .
The peak value of tan δ increases with increasing the average area of the microholes .
Peak frequency stabilized transverse zeeman He-Ne laser
Scatter turbidimetry was used to measure the serum level of CRP in 33 patients with AMI .
Design of the IGBT Inverting MAG Welding Machine Controlled by Peak Current Mode
The LP filter can suppress the peak sidelobe even more when its length is increased .
Furthermore the optimal LD pump parameters were acquired aiming to get maximum peak power and minimum pulse duration .