
  • 网络dip;valley;trough
  1. 电感电流断续工作的反激式变换器一次侧开关可工作于硬开关或准谐振(或谷值开关或零电压开关)模式。

    The flyback converter running in discontinuous conduction mode can be operated in hard switching or quasi resonant ( or valley switching , or ZVS ) mode regarding the primary side switch .

  2. 文中采用二维灰度值检测的方法获取条纹的准峰值或谷值二值图,然后通过细化得到条纹中心。

    Two - dimensional grey value detecting method is applied for getting sub - peak value or sub - valley value binary pattern of fringes , and the fringe center can be obtained through thinning this pattern .

  3. 应用HPLC法测定21例肾移植术后患者全血环孢素A(CsA)谷值血药浓度。

    Using HPLC , the blood concentrations of cyclosporin A were determined in 21 patients receiving renal transplantation .

  4. 采用ANSYS有限元软件详细地研究了强激光作用下水冷硅镜的沟槽结构对镜面温升和变形峰谷值的影响。

    The influence of the channel parameters of the water-cooled Si mirror on temperature and thermal deformation was simulated using ANSYS finite element analysis .

  5. 23例受者服用硝苯地平作为对照组,以CsA全血谷值浓度、CsA剂量、肌酐、血压作为临床评价指标。

    Blood trough levels and dose of CsA , serum creatinine ( SCr ) and BP were determined and served as indicators of clinical evaluation .

  6. 两组的急性排斥发生率、肝肾功能指标、CsA血浓度谷值均无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    The differences of the incidence of rejection reaction , hepatic and renal function , and serum valley value of CsA were insignificant between the two groups ( P 0.05 ) .

  7. 在应用SVM模型于具有周期性负荷的预测时,由于在训练样本中峰值或谷值样本所占比例很少,从而导致峰值荷载预测精度不高。

    As the ratio of peak samples to total training samples is low , the prediction accuracy of peak load is poor when applying support vector machine ( SVM ) model to predict a periodical load .

  8. 结果:高危尿毒症患者肾移植术后不同时期全血CsA谷值浓度明显高于对照组,平均升高了23.2%。

    RESULTS : The CsA blood concentration of high risk uremia patients was much higher than that of the control at different stages after renal transplantation , it increased 23.2 % .

  9. 所测光盘基片平整度的峰谷值为7.88mm,均方根值为2.0mm。

    Peak-valley value and RMS value of the measured compact disk substrate flatness are 7.88-micron and 2.0-micron , respectively .

  10. 田间条件下,突变体胚珠中的激素含量及峰谷值出现时期也有异常现象:在GA3含量上,突变体没有明显变化,而野生型则有一个抛物线型变化;

    In the fiber of Li / mutant grown in field , hormone content and its peak and vale points during the elongation presented an abnormal curve . For the content of GA3 , the mutant had a flat-trend change , while the wild type had a parabola change .

  11. 方法:将已存活4a以上的39例肾移植患者763个血浓谷值按术后时间分为7组,按肝肾功能指标分为3组进行比较分析。

    METHODS : The blood trough level in 763 recordings from 39 patients of renal transplantation who had operated 4 years ago was di-vided into 7 groups and 3 groups according to post-operation time and renal function index , respectively .

  12. CMUS可导致实验大鼠昼夜24小时平均体温下降,峰值抬高,谷值降低,体温波动幅度变大,时相推后。

    CMUS could lead to an average of 24 hours temperature drops , fluctuations become larger , phase postponed .

  13. 提出定义PM10质量浓度从谷值逐日累积到峰值而后重新下降到谷值的状态为一次环境污染过程。

    It is proposed that the process that PM_ ( 10 ) accumulates day after day from the valley value to the peak value and drops again to the valley value is called an environmental pollution process .

  14. 检测结果与ZYGO数字波面干涉仪进行了比对,峰谷值、均方根值均优于1/15λ,并具有很好的可重复性。

    Compared with the results of ZYGO interferometer , an error less than 1 / 15 λ for both peak-valley and root mean square value , is gained with good repeatability .

  15. 损毁SCN后,胃电频率的峰值在01时,谷值在05时和21时,振幅峰值在09时,谷值在05时,针刺只能降低频率和升高振幅。

    In SCN-demolished rabbits the peak value of the frequency was at 01 , and the hollow value were at 05 and 21 , the peak value of the amplitude was at 09 , the valley peak was at 05.Acupuncture caused frequency decreased and caused amplitude increased .

  16. 1981年-1994年期间发生的3次厄尔尼诺均出现在太阳活动的50d振荡周期的谷值时期.这说明太阳活动的50d振荡可能是引起厄尔尼诺事件的一种原因。

    In the period 1981-1994 , four E1 Nino events occurred when the periods of 50-day oscillation of solar activity reached minimum values . This result suggests that the solar activity is perhaps an excitation that leads to E1 Nino events .

  17. 当回归温度为473K时,虽然与在453K回归和再时效行为的趋势相同,但在回归曲线上,硬度的谷值和峰值时间都提前,并且硬度峰值稍微降低;

    When the regression temperature was 473 K , in comparison with retrogression at 453 K , the retrogression valley and peak promoted at the retrogression curve , and the hardness peak promoted at the RRA curve .

  18. 而谷值粘度和糊化温度的基因作用方式以部分显性为主。

    Whereas trough viscosity and pasting temperature mostly showed partial dominance .

  19. 不同方法计算的谷值间无显著差异。

    The trough values were similar when computed by different methods .

  20. 三是峰谷值检索。

    The third is the retrieval of peak and valley value .

  21. 高血压患者血压夜间谷值变化与腔隙性脑梗死的关系

    The relationship between the night dipper and lacuna infarction in patients with hypertension

  22. 另外,在气液界面层的外边缘,存在一个温度谷值,而在靠近界面附近存在一温度峰值。

    Also , there exist a valley and a peak in the temperature profile .

  23. 详细地研究了不同区域的热补偿和不同的热补偿功率大小对镜面变形峰谷值的影响。

    The effects of different thermal compensation areas and different heat power were discussed in detail .

  24. 云计算的用户需要预计出平均访问速度、峰值以及谷值。

    The cloud consumer needs to project the average access rates , the peaks and the valleys .

  25. 研究结果表明在该曲线上存在峰值与谷值;

    The results show that the curve of variation of ⅲ against has peak value and minimum value .

  26. 测量结果表明,舰船轴频电场具有很好的空间分布特性,在螺旋桨的正下方其3个分量通过特性曲线的包络均存在峰值点或谷值点。

    The results note that the shaft-rate electric field of a ship has a very good spacial distribution .

  27. 而峰值粘度、谷值粘度、终值粘度3个性状与糊化温度、糊化时间2个性状之间呈负相关关系。

    Peak viscosity , trough viscosity and final viscosity were negatively correlated with pasting temperature and peak time .

  28. 东北地区夏季温度与极移振幅的位相也有较好的关系:在极移振幅的峰值年附近容易发生冷夏年,在极移振幅的谷值年附近容易发生热夏年。

    The temperature of Northeast China in summer has also relevance to the phases of amplitude of polar motion .

  29. 本文介绍1例少年肾移植患者术后按常规剂量口服环孢素A后血药浓度监测谷值偏低,根据患者的药代动力学参数及肝肾功能状态。

    It was reported that a juvenile renal transplant patients had a low cyclosporine whole blood concentration after normal administration .

  30. 多年平均降雨日数逐月分布呈双峰曲线,5月和10月达到峰值,8月为谷值。

    Average annual rainfall days in Shuangfeng monthly distribution curve , May and peaked in October , August for the valley .