
gǔ yá
  • rice sprout
谷芽 [gǔ yá]
  • [rice sprout] 中药名。为稻的颖果经发芽制成。甘,温。入脾、胃经。健脾开胃,消食和中。治宿食不化、脘闷腹胀、泄泻、不思饮食。本品含淀粉酶、维生素B等

谷芽[gǔ yá]
  1. 发芽时间和温度对谷芽制备的影响

    Effects of Germinating Time & Temperature on the Preparation of Rice Malt

  2. 史前文化时期的酿酒(二)&谷芽酒的酿造及演进

    Wine Production in Prehistoric Culture Period (ⅱ) Production Evolution of Millet Sprout Wine

  3. 谷芽萌发后,需要充足的雨水才能生长良好。

    After the rice sprouts , it needs abundant rain water to grow well .

  4. 谷芽大枣汁饮料的研究

    Study on millet sprout and jujube drink

  5. 此方亦可请当地中医辩证化裁,但方中谷芽、麦芽剂量不应减少。

    This medicine can please local optimization cutting , but the dialectical sprout , the dosage should not be reduced .

  6. 研究了稻谷在发芽温度22~32℃范围内发芽过程中不同时间段的发芽条件对谷芽质量的影响。

    The effects of germinating time & temperature ( different period in germination process and temperature range between 22 ~ 32 ℃) on rice malt quality were studied .