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yì mǐ
  • the seed of Job's tears;seed of Jobs tears
薏米 [yì mǐ]
  • [seed of Jobs tears] 去壳的薏苡子实,白色,可供食用及药用。也叫薏仁米、苡仁、苡米

薏米[yì mǐ]
  1. 该产品经特殊工艺,去除了薏米本身特有的、不为消费者欢迎的不良气味。

    It is a health protection beverage with clear , not sedimentary and get rid of the bad flavour that the seed of Job 's tears process .

  2. 其中以加工较深的米面及其制品较低(0.31%0.72%),而未深加工的玉米、薏米的含量则高(2.48%6.08%)。

    The insoluble dietary fiber contents in deep processed cereals and its products are poor ( 0.31 % ~ 0.72 % ), but in less processed Zea mays and the seed of Job 's tears are rich ( 2.48 % & 6.08 % ) .

  3. 该产品成淡黄色,具有豆香及薏米特有的香气,是一种保健型内酯豆腐。

    It is a kind of health caring lactone bean curd .

  4. 以玉米淀粉、红薯淀粉为对照,系统研究薏米淀粉的理化特性。

    Study on the mechno-chemical effects of high pressure microfluidization on corn starch ;

  5. 薏米保健酒的研制

    On Health Liquor of Job 's Tears Rice

  6. 慢跑到水坝去薏米纳豆的开发

    Jog to the Dam Development of the seed of jog ′ s tears natto

  7. 对无糖黑木耳薏米保健饮料的加工工艺进行了初步探讨研究。

    Processing technology of auricular auricula and Job 's tears beverage without sugar was studied .

  8. 通过场发射扫描电镜进行观察,薏米淀粉大多呈多棱形,表面光滑。

    The granular appearance of adlay starch was mainly multi-prismatic with a smooth surface by FESEM .

  9. 黑米、薏米、荞麦混合挤压膨化工艺及机理的研究

    Study on the Mixed Extrusion Expansion Technology and Mechanism of Black Rice , Job 's-tears , Buckwheat

  10. 浦城薏米被列为国家地理标志,是浦城特色主导产业之一,成为农民增收的重要来源。

    The Pucheng barley National Geographic logo is one of the leading industries of the Pucheng characteristics has become an important source of farmers ' income .

  11. 他们在陶器里发现了黍、根茎作物和薏米的成分,这样不拘一格的选材可以和当下的时髦啤酒酿造坊媲美。

    And the ingredients they discovered are as eclectic as any trendy brewpub 's : broomcorn millet , tubers and a grain known as Job 's tears .

  12. 因而研究浦城薏米产业化发展,对于实现浦城农业和农村经济的快速、持续发展具有极为重要的理论和现实意义。

    Thus , study the development of the Pucheng barley industry , has an extremely important theoretical and practical significance for the realization of the rapid , sustained development of the Pucheng agriculture and the rural economy .

  13. 本文研究了薏米淀粉颗粒的表面结构、偏光十字、X-衍射图谱和结晶结构,以及薏米淀粉糊的粘度曲线等特性,为薏米食品的开发提供理论基础。

    So the properties and structure of Job 's-tears starch such as granule morphology , structure , polarization cross , X-ray diffraction and paste viscosity curve were studies . It provided theoretical basis for development of Job 's-tears products .

  14. 有利条件主要体现在品种优良和有利的社会条件上,但浦城薏米产业发展亦存在产品竞争力弱、市场开拓不够、品牌效应不强、产业链短等方面问题。

    Favorable conditions mainly reflected in a variety of excellent and favorable social conditions , but the the Pucheng barley industry development product competitiveness , market development is not enough , the brand is not strong , short chain and other issues .