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hóu yán
  • laryngitis
喉炎 [hóu yán]
  • [laryngitis] 喉的炎症

喉炎[hóu yán]
  1. 目的观察布地奈德(BUD)吸入对小儿急性喉炎、喉气管支气管炎的疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of budesonide ( BUD ) inhalation on acute infectious laryngitis and laryngotracheobronchitis in children .

  2. 喉炎(包括喉炎、急性喉-气管-支气管炎)、热性惊厥、哮喘(包括支气管哮喘、喘息性支气管炎)组弓形虫循环抗原阳性率与对照组比较差异有显著性(0.05>P>0.01或P≤0.01)。

    There were significant differences in acute laryngitis , febrile convulsion , bronchial asthma and control group ( 0.05 > P > 0.01 or P ≤ 0.01 ) . Conclusion Though there was no significant difference in positive rates of CAg for T.

  3. 他患了喉炎。

    He has a sore throat .

  4. 目前麻疹病死率低,并发症以麻疹肺炎、心肌炎和喉炎居多,麻疹并发严重的肺炎,恢复后有5例患儿出现PF表现。

    The common complication were pneumonia , myocarditis and laryngitis , the mortality of measles was low at present , but after the recovery of severe pneumonia , 5 patients were suffered from PF . 4 .

  5. 声带息肉(vocalcordpolypVCP)是由于局部粘膜的炎症水肿,液体在固有层中聚积而成的赘生物,常常归为创伤性喉炎的一种,是临床上的常见病多发病。

    Objective : Vocal cord polyp ( VCP ), as a kind of chronic laryngitis , is mainly caused by inflammatory edema in the membranous true vocal folds , the liquid is accumulated in the proper layer .

  6. 结论急性喉炎、急性喉气管支气管炎患儿在抗感染等常规治疗的同时,加用BUD吸入治疗,对改善症状体征、缩短病程,明显优于DXM吸入治疗,且疗效显著。

    Conclusion In addition to routine treatment such as anti-infection , BUD atomizing inhalation is more effective on acute infectious laryngitis and laryngotracheobronchitis than dexamethasone on the aspect of improvements in symptom , sign and healing duration in children .

  7. 两种物理因子治疗慢性喉炎的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of two kinds of physical means on chronic laryngitis

  8. 不同方法治疗小儿急性喉炎并发喉梗阻的疗效比较

    Different drug treatment of acute laryngitis and laryngeal obstruction in children

  9. 通过测定声学参数值有助于初步诊断慢性喉炎。

    Acoustic parameters test contributes to diagnosis early chronic vocal disease .

  10. 布地奈德吸入治疗小儿急性感染性喉炎的疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect of Budesonide Inhalation on Acute Infectious Laryngitis in Children

  11. 我妻子患喉炎,噪子哑了好几天了。

    My wife had laryngitis and lost her voice for several days .

  12. 虽然我有喉炎,但我感到很棒。

    Never felt better , except I ve got laryngitis .

  13. 丙酸倍氯米松治疗急性喉炎50例疗效观察

    Observing the effect of Beclomethasone Dipropionate Aerosol on 50 Cases acute Laryngitis

  14. 大剂量地塞米松冲击治疗小儿急性喉炎56例

    A clinical observation on large dose DXM impact therapy for pedo-acute laryngitis

  15. 表现为喉炎者6例(5%)。

    6 ( 5 % ) shown as the laryngitis .

  16. 小儿急性喉炎治疗193例

    Treatment of acute laryngitis in children : a review of 193 cases

  17. 32例小儿急性喉炎的治疗与护理

    Treatment and nursing care of 32 infants with acute laryngitis

  18. 结论会厌逐瘀汤加味治疗慢性肥厚性喉炎有确切疗效。

    Conclusion This therapy with ESED is effective on chronic hypertrophic laryngitis .

  19. 针刺运动疗法治疗风热型急性单纯性喉炎观察

    Clinical observation on acupuncture kinetotherapy for acute simple laryngitis of wind-heat type

  20. 激光治疗急、慢性咽、喉炎疗效观察

    Observation on Curative Effect of Chronic Pharyngitis and Laryngitis Treated by Laser

  21. 内窥镜鼻窦手术后不同药物雾化吸入临床疗效评价雾化吸入布地奈德治疗急性喉炎

    Clinical Effect of Atomizing Inhalation of Budesonide on Acute Laryngitis

  22. 会厌逐瘀汤加味治疗慢性喉炎的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Modified " Huiyan Zhuyu Decoction " in Treating Chronic Laryngitis

  23. 有的人得了喉炎会暂时失声。

    Some people temporarily lose their voice when they 're suffering from laryngitis .

  24. 布地奈德混悬液联合利巴韦林雾化吸入治疗急性喉炎的疗效

    Curative Effects of Budesonide Suspension Combined with Ribavirin on Acute Laryngitis in Children

  25. 小儿急性喉炎420例治疗总结

    Treatment of 420 Cases of Acute Laryngitis in Children

  26. 声音口服液治疗慢性单纯性喉炎的疗效评价

    Voice oral liquid for treatment of chronic simple laryngitis

  27. 急性喉炎患儿的护理急救统筹

    Nursing Emergency Management of the Children with Acute Laryngitis

  28. 雾化吸入布地奈德治疗急性喉炎5例狭窄上端延至声门下。

    The location of stricture in 5 patients extended to the subglottis area .

  29. 慢性喉炎、喉乳头状瘤及喉癌增殖细胞核抗原的表达

    Expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in chronic laryngitis , laryngeal papilloma and carcinoma

  30. 伴急性喉炎易引起呼吸困难,要特别注意。

    With acute laryngitis easily cause difficulty in breathing , special attention should be paid .