
hóu kǒu
  • Laryngeal orifice;aditus laryngis
喉口[hóu kǒu]
  1. 控制爆破在VS喉口除灰垢中的应用

    Application of Control Explosion in Dust Scaling Cleaning of VS Throat

  2. U形渠道抛物线形喉口式量水槽选型与设计

    Selection Type and Design for Flow Measurement Flume With Parobolic Throat in U-shaped Channel

  3. 100t转炉二文喉口RD阀存在的问题及改造

    The Renovation of the Second Venturi Throat-RD Valve of 100 Ton Converter

  4. 氧枪喷头喉口直径(d喉)选取35mm。

    The throat diameter is 35 mm .

  5. 详细介绍了缩小主料斗喉口改善烧结料层透气度的原因,对ISP工艺烧结生产具有一定的指导意义。

    The paper introduces the cause of reducing primary feeding hopper throat inlet to improve the ventilation of sintering mixture , which has certain significance to ISP process sintering production .

  6. 随着坡度的增加,径流雷诺数Re和Darcyweisbach阻力系数f均呈先增后减的抛物线趋势。U形渠道抛物线形喉口式量水槽选型与设计

    Both Reynolds number and Darcy-Weisbach friction Coefficient of the flow vary with slope gradient , and flow discharge follows a parabolic curve law related to slope gradient . Selection Type and Design for Flow Measurement Flume With Parobolic Throat in U-shaped Channel

  7. 针对活塞燃烧室喉口开裂失效随着爆发压力提高有所增加的趋势,利用FEA技术并结合发动机耐久试验进行了异形销孔结构对燃烧室开裂影响的研究。

    The crack and failure of aperture of larynx of piston combustion chamber can lead to the increasing trend with explosive pressure increasing , use FEA technology and engine durability test to research the crack effect of combustion chamber with the irregular shape structure of piston pinhole .

  8. 对安装不同喉口直径文丘里管的CA498Z柴油机进行了试验。

    In this paper , a series of tests were carried out on venturi pipes with different diameters of throat in CA498Z diesel engine .

  9. 喉口直径和管道直径之比0.4-0.6。

    The ratio of throat diameter and pipe diameter 0.4-0.6 .

  10. 可变喉口截面预燃室的研究

    A study of the variable throat area precombustion chamber

  11. 转炉可调喉口系统调整及应用

    Regulation and Application of the Adjustable Converter Throat System

  12. 抛物线形喉口式量水槽的简化流量公式

    Simplified discharge formula for flow measurement flume with parobolic throat in U shaped channel

  13. 用直接求解法求解喉口尺寸,并进而算出气流出口角。

    After the throat sizes are directly solved , the outlet flow angles are evaluated .

  14. 目的研究清喉口含片的体内、外抑菌作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the antibacterial actions of Qinghou buccal tablets in vivo and in vitro .

  15. 因此可以保证可调喉口的动态反应性能及减小炉口压差波动范围。

    So can ensure adjustable laryngeal orifice and dynamic response performance and reduce oven pressure difference fluctuation range .

  16. 高炉煤气双文清洗工艺中喉口供水量探讨

    Discussion on Water Supply Amount at the Throat Inlet of Double-Venturi Tube Washing Process for Blast Furnace Gas

  17. 工作台液压扰度补偿和喉口变形补偿机构,保证折弯深度和精度。

    Hydraulic compensation on crowing of work-table and deformation compensation on throat , ensuring good bending strength and precision .

  18. 通过改进活塞相关结构,可达到降低活塞喉口应力,提高燃烧室可靠性的目的。

    Piston structure is modified , so stress on piston throat gets lower and reliability of combustion chamber is improved .

  19. 350m~3高炉煤气净化单文氏管可调喉口理论计算及分析

    Theoretical Calculation and Anaiysis of Adjustable Throat of Single Venturi Tube Used for 350m  ̄ 3 Blast Fumace Gas Purification

  20. 计算结果表明迭代计算是收敛的,算出的喷嘴喉口面积与实际相符。

    The calculations indicate that the iterating calculation is converged and the calculated throat area of nozzle accords with practicality .

  21. 舌骨盖在环状软骨上口易造成新喉口狭窄引起拔管困难。

    That hyoid bone covers the entrance of cricoid cartilage will bring constriction of the new laryngeal orifice and make decannulation difficult .

  22. 分析结果认为,混合器喉口面积、入口角度是影响天然气发动机功率的主要参数。

    Then a conclusion was drawn that the power of engines is Influenced mainly by the throat area and shrinking degree of mixer .

  23. 流场计算结果表明总压损失主要集中在调节阀喉口附近。调节阀阀碟前后的两股高速气流在阀碟的正上方位置相碰引起较大的掺混损失;

    The result gives out the flow characteristic and distribution of the total pressure loss , which mainly concentrated around the throats of the two control valves .

  24. 通过添加二次风、设置喉口提高炉内温度,并设计锥形还原区、文丘里引射管等延长焦油在高温区的停留时间,为焦油的裂解提供相应条件。

    Secondary air and throat can enhance temperature ; taper deoxidization area and Venturi ejector can postpone the staying time in high temperature area , which are all essential condition for tar cracking .

  25. 介绍了双文清洗工艺中在喉口不供水的情况下系统仍能高效除尘而且喉口不积灰不磨损的原因。

    Reasons of high efficiency dedusting and no settling dust and no abra-sion at the throat inlet of the system under the condition of no water With the double-Venturi Tube washing process are presented .

  26. 概述了转炉煤气湿法净化回收系统中可调喉口系统工作原理、控制环节系统调整及计算机控制的思路

    The working principle , the control rings , the regulation and the thoughts on the computer control of the adjustable throat system in the wet purification and recovery system of the converter gas are outlined

  27. 以满足发动机最大功率为设计目标,建立起混合气的流量与混合器的入口角度和喉口面积之间的数学关系,即数学模型。

    Then mathematical relationship between the flows of mixture and the throat area , shrinking degree of mixer ( mathematical model ) can be established to meet the aim of the highest power of engine .

  28. 除了热应力、材料蠕变等会引起喉口疲劳开裂外,发现活塞销孔结构对燃烧室开裂也有重要影响。

    Heat stress and material creep deformation can lead to the fatigue and crack of aperture of larynx , besides the structure of piston pinhole has on important effect on the crack of combustion chamber .

  29. 结果表明,通过对喷射器喉口面积的调节,可拓宽喷射器的有效工作范围,减小喷射器入口参数对出口参数的影响。

    The results indicate that the outlet flow rate can be controlled within a stable extent by adjusting the cross section area of the nozzle , the adjustable nozzle can extend the effective working range of ejectors .

  30. 对高炉煤气洗涤系统一文喉口存在的问题进行了分析,提出相应改进措施,通过改进降低了设备故障率,提高了除尘系统运行的安全性、可靠性。

    The problem with the first venturi tube throat inlet of BFG washing system was analyzed with advancing the corresponding measures of improvement , thus reduced equipment failure rate and enhanced operation safe reliability of the dedusting system .