
  • 网络Parietal layer;parietal pleura;parietal
  1. 壁层胸膜取材方便。

    Pleura ( parietal layer ) are easy to be utilized .

  2. 壁层胸膜可紧贴在吻合口上,不留残腔,可促进粘连。

    There are no remnant cavities because pleura ( parietal layer ) cling to anastomotic stoma , which is beneficial to adhesion ;

  3. 结果,氡子核可堆积在呼吸道壁层的细胞上,而阿尔法粒子可破坏DNA并有可能引起肺癌。

    As a result , radon progeny may be deposited on the cells lining the airways where the alpha particles can damage the DNA and potentially cause lung cancer .

  4. 结论AMD的声像学特征主要是增厚球壁层间透声裂隙。

    Conclusion The main ultrasonographic manifestation of AMD is the presence of interlamellar transaudient cleft in the thickened ocular wall .

  5. 背景:克罗恩病(CD)是一种全胃肠道节段性、全壁层炎症性病变,其病因不明,临床表现多样。

    Background : Crohn 's disease ( CD ) is a segmental transmural inflammatory disease of gastrointestinal tract . So far its cause remains unclear , and the clinical manifestations are variegated .

  6. 纤维素纤维在超声波作用下发生细胞壁层的脱除,使高反应性能的S2层微纤维暴露,对提高纤维素的可及度和化学反应性能非常有利。

    The exposure and the fibrillation of S2 layer contribute much to the enhancement of the accessibility and reactivity of cellulose fibers .

  7. 结果:正常大鼠MMP-2、MMP-9主要表达在肾小球系膜细胞、内皮细胞、包曼氏囊壁层上皮细胞、肾小管上皮细胞,偶见浸润的巨噬细胞和中性粒细胞表达。

    Results : Immunoreactive MMP-2 and MMP-9 were mainly expressed in the mesangial cells , endothelial cells , parietal layer of Bowman 's capsule and tubular cells .

  8. TMP给药组大鼠第7天肾小球壁层细胞轻度增生,肾小球轻度压迫,球囊内无明显蛋白渗出。

    There were light proliferation in glomerulus parietal layer cells and glomerulus compressed lightly without marked protein bleeding in glomerulus capsules in TMP group rats on the 7th day .

  9. 急性白血病骨髓基质贴壁层对HL-60细胞的促增殖作用强于正常对照组,诱导分化作用弱于正常骨髓基质组。

    The action of acute leukemic bone marrow stromal cells on proliferation of HL-60 cells was significantly increased , while that on induction differentiation is significantly decreased compared with that of the controls .

  10. 分别取壁层、脏层胸膜标本,部分组织固定于10%中性福尔马林液中,余下组织置-80℃冰箱中,用于总RNA和蛋白的提取。

    The wall layer and visceral pleura specimens were taken and then part of the organization was fixed to the10 % neutral Formalin liquid and the rest used for the extraction of total RNA and protein were conserved in-80 ℃ fridge . 5 .

  11. 结果肾脏组织中AngⅡ、TGF-β1、PAI-1及Ⅳ型胶原均集中表达在肾小球壁层上皮细胞、肾小球系膜细胞及肾小管上皮细胞和间质区域。

    Results The expression of AngII 、 TGF - β 1 , PAI-1 and type IV collagen in renal tissue all concentrated on glomerular parietal epithelial cell 、 Mesangial cell 、 renal tubular epithelial cell and tubules interstitial substance area .

  12. 将C57BL/6小鼠随机分为CTGF干扰组、HK转染组、腹膜纤维化模型组和正常对照组4组,分别给予相应处理28天后,留取壁层和脏层腹膜组织。

    C57BL / 6 mouse were randomly divided into four groups : CTGF RNA interference-treated group , HK transfection group , peritoneal fibrosis group and normal control group . After corresponding treatments for 28 days , the parietal and visceral peritoneum was collected .

  13. 本文观察了骨髓造血基质细胞贴壁层及细胞悬液对GM-CFU-C生长的影响及照射后的变化。

    The effects of adherent marrow stromal cell layer and stromal cells harvested in long - term liquid culture system on the growth of GM-CFU-C were investigated and compared .

  14. 其结果是:百合花药壁层的发育方式为基本型。

    Theontogeny of anther wall layers belong to basic type .

  15. 人体腹膜壁层间皮细胞微绒毛的超微结构

    Study of ultrastructure of microvilli on parietal peritoneal mesothelial cells in man

  16. 应用非逻辑编码方式,利于对中空性脏器及管腔壁层组织结构的辨认;

    Non-logic coding was favourable to distinguish the hollow viscera and its wall .

  17. 肾小球内由增生的壁层上皮细胞组成的新月体。

    Seen here within the glomeruli are crescents composed of proliferating epithelial cells .

  18. 壁层胸膜纤维板剥离术治疗慢性重症脓胸&附7例报告

    Treatment of chronic serious empyema parietal pleural fibrotic plastictomy & Report of 7 cases

  19. 靶区肺膜面光整,胸腔无渗液、脏壁层胸膜间无粘连。

    Visceral pleura of target areas was regular and efflusion pleural adhesion was not found .

  20. 模型组脏、壁层胸膜均显著纤维化并增厚;

    The model group showed marked pleural fibrous thickening in the visceral and parietal pleural ;

  21. 壁层上皮细胞形成新月体性肾炎的肾小球,新月体从四周挤压毛细血管丛。

    Here is another glomerulus with epithelial crescents squashing the glomerular tufts from all sides .

  22. 心脏壁层胸膜被打开显示心脏的心外膜。

    A window of adherent pericardium has been opened to reveal the surface of the heart .

  23. 肾小管尿极的壁层上皮与近端小管上皮之间有一明显过渡区。

    There were a transitional area between the cells of visceral layer and the proximal tubule .

  24. 壁层胸膜在胸壁内侧覆盖肋骨和心包膜。

    The parietal pleura lines the inside of the chest and covers the ribs and the pericardium .

  25. 人脐血贴壁层细胞对脐血造血细胞体外扩增的作用

    Effect of human umbilical cord blood adherent cells on the expansion of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic cells in vitro

  26. 结果正常蛙心包壁层有一些散在分布的心包淋巴孔和少量血窦状间皮。

    Results Scattered distributed pericardial stomata were found onthe parietal pericardium of the frog with a few sinusoid mesothelial cells .

  27. 脏层胸膜一微米厚仅是壁层胸膜宽度的一半。

    At a single millimeter in thickness , the visceral pleura is barely half the width of the parietal pleura .

  28. 狗骨髓长期培养的贴壁层细胞及条件培养液对粒系祖细胞的影响

    Effect of adherent cells and conditioned medium of long-term canine bone marrow culture on the granulocyte / macrophage progenitor cells

  29. 覆盖于盆腔脏层和壁层的腹膜(2)性别而存在差异。

    The peritoneum follows the surfaces of the pelvic viscera and walls ( Fig2 ) with differences between the sexes .

  30. 用干纱布反复擦拭该处胸腔壁层纤维板,去除表面脓苔。

    Dry gauze was applied to clean the fiberboard on the thoracic cavity wall so as to remove pus mosses .