- barrier;wall;rampart

[rampart;barrier] 旧时兵营四周的墙壁,泛指防御、戒备的工事,现在常指互相对立的事物或界限
But the green rampart of countries is given enough consideration to developing countries , which is inconsistent with non-discrimination principle , unity principle and transparency principle , and has implicit discrimination for the exporters .
Relative to the WTO 's green rules , the green rampart and the environmental protection measures are consistent with the same purpose of promoting the development of home economy , and benefits the protection of ecological environment .
The lowering of trade barriers has led to a free-for-all among exporters .
Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade .
The removal of trade barriers means a lot to that country .
Office managers knock down walls to encourage team building .
to cut tariffs , remove barriers , and facilitate the flow of trade
I think there 's a kind of metaphysical dimension -- that speed becomes a way of walling ourselves off from the bigger , deeper questions .
Climate change is the common cause of all humanity . It should not be a bargaining chip for geopolitics , a target for attacking other countries , or an excuse for trade barriers .
The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce , government procurement , competition policy as well as environment and trade , in addition to improvements on rules of origin , customs procedures and trade facilitation , technical barriers to trade and trade in services .
A Preliminary Analysis on Green Barrier Issue Under WTO Framework
Legal Thinking of the WTO 's Technical Trade Barriers
Environmental label ; International trade ; WTO ; Trade barriers ; Legal Protection .
WTO and international trade barriers
International society with WTO as the center has regulated non-just technical barrier , still with some defects .
Compared with public morals exception , environment and health exceptions are more frequently invoked by Members in previous WTO cases .
As a report from the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) warns this week , the barriers are creeping back up .
With China ` s becoming a member of WTO , green barriers become the main difficulty for China ` s export .
Standardization and Trade , Technology Barriers & The New Subjects of Standardization of Car Products after Entry into the World Trade Organization
I do a systematic research on the objective reality of the green barriers and their development , on the basis of relevant agreements in WTO .
Export limitation was smaller after our country taking part in WTO and thread some industry in certain countries , as a result we became one of the most serious victims .
The Bertrand Analysis of Technical Barriers to Trade
After china joined WTO , the trade restricts brought by the tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers are decreased so that it 's a good chance to develop the exportation of farm products .
The tourist industry must abide by WTO rules and perform promise of further opening-up , deal with properly trade friction , clear up tourist developing barriers , and realize gradually freedom of tourist trade .
Therefore , we shall study the related laws and regulations of WTO , the mechanism of the DSB of WTO in order to use them to protect our foreign trade from the environmental trade barrier .
Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade ( TBT ) and Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ( SPS ) are the international law about Genetically Modified organisms ' trade under WTO system .
By analyzing the characteristics that the coating should possess , the silicate glass-ceramic coating with high content of Al2O3 is considered to be a potential candidate .
First , the paper set forth principal mode of fishery trade frict ion in the developed countries and China and negative action of fishery trade af fected by SPS / TBT since China 's WTO entry .
Secondly , there are behaviors that against the regulations of WTO , such as using trade barriers widely and lack of fair environment of trade , which gives rise to trade friction and gray customs clearance .
In CAFTA , there are many obstacles in realizing the trade liberalization of legal service , like the law barriers .