
bì lěi
  • barrier;wall;rampart
壁垒 [bì lěi]
  • [rampart;barrier] 旧时兵营四周的墙壁,泛指防御、戒备的工事,现在常指互相对立的事物或界限

  • 关税壁垒

  • 壁垒森严

壁垒[bì lěi]
  1. 但各国的绿色壁垒相对于WTO绿色规则来说,对发展中国家考虑不够,有的不符合非歧视原则、统一性原则和透明度原则,有的对出口商来说具有隐含的歧视性。

    But the green rampart of countries is given enough consideration to developing countries , which is inconsistent with non-discrimination principle , unity principle and transparency principle , and has implicit discrimination for the exporters .

  2. 各国的绿色壁垒相对于WTO绿色规则来说,两者所允许的绿色环保措施是一致的,目的都是使对外贸易既能促进本国经济的发展,又有利于生态环境的保护。

    Relative to the WTO 's green rules , the green rampart and the environmental protection measures are consistent with the same purpose of promoting the development of home economy , and benefits the protection of ecological environment .

  3. 降低贸易壁垒导致出口商各自为政。

    The lowering of trade barriers has led to a free-for-all among exporters .

  4. 关税和税收是自由贸易的最大壁垒。

    Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade .

  5. 贸易壁垒的消除对那个国家而言意义重大。

    The removal of trade barriers means a lot to that country .

  6. 部门经理也会打破壁垒,鼓励团队建设。

    Office managers knock down walls to encourage team building .

  7. 4.减免关税、取消壁垒、畅通贸易

    to cut tariffs , remove barriers , and facilitate the flow of trade

  8. 有一种哲学上的维度——在这种维度中,速度成为了把我们自身与更大、更深层次问题隔离的壁垒。

    I think there 's a kind of metaphysical dimension -- that speed becomes a way of walling ourselves off from the bigger , deeper questions .

  9. 应对气候变化是全人类的共同事业,不应该成为地缘政治的筹码、攻击他国的靶子、贸易壁垒的借口。

    Climate change is the common cause of all humanity . It should not be a bargaining chip for geopolitics , a target for attacking other countries , or an excuse for trade barriers .

  10. 升级“升”什么?自贸协定升级除对原协定的原产地规则、海关程序与贸易便利化、技术性贸易壁垒、服务贸易等5个领域进行升级外,还新增电子商务、政府采购、竞争政策、环境与贸易等4个领域。

    The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce , government procurement , competition policy as well as environment and trade , in addition to improvements on rules of origin , customs procedures and trade facilitation , technical barriers to trade and trade in services .

  11. WTO体制下绿色壁垒问题初探

    A Preliminary Analysis on Green Barrier Issue Under WTO Framework

  12. WTO技术性贸易壁垒的法律思考&从中国贸易壁垒调查第一案谈起

    Legal Thinking of the WTO 's Technical Trade Barriers

  13. 环境标志;国际贸易;WTO;贸易壁垒;法律保护。

    Environmental label ; International trade ; WTO ; Trade barriers ; Legal Protection .

  14. WTO与国际贸易新壁垒

    WTO and international trade barriers

  15. 以WTO为中心的国际社会对非公正技术壁垒作出了规制,但仍然存在许多缺陷。

    International society with WTO as the center has regulated non-just technical barrier , still with some defects .

  16. 以往因贸易壁垒引起的WTO争端案件多援引环境和卫生健康等例外条款为由,援引公共道德例外的几乎没有。

    Compared with public morals exception , environment and health exceptions are more frequently invoked by Members in previous WTO cases .

  17. 世界贸易组织(wto)本周发布了一项报告,提醒人们贸易壁垒正卷土重来。

    As a report from the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) warns this week , the barriers are creeping back up .

  18. 随着中国成为WTO的成员,绿色壁垒成为中国出口的主要障碍。

    With China ` s becoming a member of WTO , green barriers become the main difficulty for China ` s export .

  19. 加入WTO对中国汽车工业的影响标准化与贸易技术壁垒&入世后车辆产品标准化面临的新课题

    Standardization and Trade , Technology Barriers & The New Subjects of Standardization of Car Products after Entry into the World Trade Organization

  20. 笔者结合现实情况,并以世贸组织(WTO)有关协定的规定为研究基础,对绿色壁垒的概况及其发展的客观现实等进行了系统的研究。

    I do a systematic research on the objective reality of the green barriers and their development , on the basis of relevant agreements in WTO .

  21. 我国在加入WTO之后,因出口限制减小而对某些国家的某些产业造成威胁,因而我国也是绿色壁垒最大的受害国之一。

    Export limitation was smaller after our country taking part in WTO and thread some industry in certain countries , as a result we became one of the most serious victims .

  22. 技术性贸易壁垒的Bertrand博弈分析

    The Bertrand Analysis of Technical Barriers to Trade

  23. 加入WTO以后,关税壁垒以及传统的非关税壁垒不断降低或拆除,为我国的农产品出口带来了新的机遇。

    After china joined WTO , the trade restricts brought by the tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers are decreased so that it 's a good chance to develop the exportation of farm products .

  24. 我国旅游业要在遵守WTO基本原则和履行入世承诺的前提下进一步对外开放,要妥善处理旅游服务贸易摩擦,消除旅游业发展的壁垒,逐步实现旅游服务贸易自由化。

    The tourist industry must abide by WTO rules and perform promise of further opening-up , deal with properly trade friction , clear up tourist developing barriers , and realize gradually freedom of tourist trade .

  25. 为此,我们应该研究运用WTO相关环境政策法规和争端解决机制来应对面临的环境贸易壁垒。

    Therefore , we shall study the related laws and regulations of WTO , the mechanism of the DSB of WTO in order to use them to protect our foreign trade from the environmental trade barrier .

  26. 《技术性贸易壁垒协议》和《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协议》是WTO框架下与转基因产品贸易相关的国际法。

    Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade ( TBT ) and Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ( SPS ) are the international law about Genetically Modified organisms ' trade under WTO system .

  27. 通过对热氢处理用渗透壁垒层应具备的特性进行分析,认为高Al2O3含量的硅酸盐玻璃陶瓷涂层将是未来研究的重要候选壁垒层。

    By analyzing the characteristics that the coating should possess , the silicate glass-ceramic coating with high content of Al2O3 is considered to be a potential candidate .

  28. 本文阐述了我国加入WTO以来,与发达国家的渔业贸易摩擦的主要形式和渔业贸易受SPS/TBT壁垒的负面影响情况;

    First , the paper set forth principal mode of fishery trade frict ion in the developed countries and China and negative action of fishery trade af fected by SPS / TBT since China 's WTO entry .

  29. 其次,中俄贸易也存在广泛使用贸易壁垒、缺乏公平贸易环境等与WTO规则相悖的做法,正是这些不规范的做法催生了中俄贸易摩擦频繁、灰色清关屡禁不止等问题。

    Secondly , there are behaviors that against the regulations of WTO , such as using trade barriers widely and lack of fair environment of trade , which gives rise to trade friction and gray customs clearance .

  30. 在CAFTA内,实现律师服务贸易自由化存在法律壁垒等多重障碍。

    In CAFTA , there are many obstacles in realizing the trade liberalization of legal service , like the law barriers .