
  1. 生活在密西西比河下游的帕斯卡谷勒河流域的苏族人。

    A member of the Siouan people of the lower Pascagoula river valley in Mississippi .

  2. 这些支流系即为蚀出走向谷的次生河。

    These tributaries are subsequent streams which erode strike valley .

  3. 同时安宁河谷是一条断裂谷,安宁河断裂带由此通过。

    Meanwhile it is a rift valley where the Anning River fault zone runs through .

  4. 你就是把北京西北的巍峨山脉劈出了深峡长谷的永定河。

    You are the same river that carved a long , deep canyon in the towering ranges of hills northwest of Beijing .

  5. 层序2的长期基准面上升半旋回呈现由底部充填于切蚀谷的辫状河河道砂砾岩→网状河→曲流河→三角洲序列;

    The long-term base-level rising cycle of sequence-2 is composed of basal braided channel sandstone-conglomerate → meandering stream → delta ;

  6. 位于科茨沃尔德丘陵地带的边缘,在伯克利谷和塞文河的上游,它是一个风格独特的村庄。

    Situated on the edge of the Cotswolds escarpment , above the Vale of Berkeley and the River Severn , it is a picturesque village .