
liú liànɡ biǎo
  • flow meter
  1. 精确程度取决于质量平衡数据的质量、量表的校验、燃料气分析以及空气流量表的精度。

    The limit of accuracy is based upon the quality of the mass balance data , meter calibrations , flue gas analysis , and air flow meter accuracy .

  2. 蒸汽流量表的选型光面爆破参数的选择


  3. 利用Delphi实现蒸汽流量表的补偿计算

    Compensating Calculation of Steam Flow Table by Delphi

  4. 您可以使用账户结构创建现金流量表附表或使用Excel链接创建一个基于需求信息的报告。

    You can create cash flow schedule using the account structures or you can build a report in the excel link based requirement information .

  5. 而且,彼得还提供了自己担任兰登书屋CEO时阅读现金流量表等财务报表的简便方法。

    And Peter gives an abbreviated step-by-step of how he examined cash flow statements and the like while he was CEO of Random House .

  6. 如果您跟踪特定账户的变动情况,如固定资产、股本、贷款等,在Excel中您还可以创建其他的报告比如现金流量表。

    You may also build other reports in excel like cash flow if you track the movements of specific accounts , like fixed assets , share capital , loans , etc.

  7. 同时,本文还将客户资产负债表和客户价值流量表引入到CRM系统,从而更深刻的诠释了客户是企业最重要的资产的概念并使之更可具操作性。

    The thesis has introduced Customer Balance Sheet and Customer-Value Flow Statement into CRM system to put ponderance on the idea of " customer is one of the companies ' most important assets "( see Chapter 3 ) .

  8. 医院现金流量表编制方法初探

    The primary exploration of drawing method of hospital cash flow chart

  9. 开始理解和评价现金流量表。

    Begin to understand and appreciate the statement of cash flows .

  10. 现时关于综合现金流量表的相关披露是足够的。

    The current disclosure related to cash flow statement is enough .

  11. 现金流量表的编制工作也就完成了。

    The preparation of the statement of cash flows is over .

  12. 了解直接法与间接法现金流量表的不同。

    Understand the differences between the direct and the indirect scf .

  13. 从投资者角度看,现金流量表为投资者提供了决策有用的信息。

    Cash flow statements provide useful information to investors in China .

  14. 现金流量表分析对企业管理非常重要。

    It is important for enterprises to analyze cash flow statements .

  15. 各种型号流量表,槽车泵;

    Each kind of model flow indicator , tank car pump ;

  16. 对计算机辅助教学的几点认识现金流量表的计算机编制思想与实现

    Ideas on Computer Auxiliary Teaching Computer Compilation of Cash Flow Sheet

  17. 现金流量表调整分录的电算化研究

    Computerized Research on Adjusting Journal Entries of Cash - flow Statement

  18. 利用现金流量表进行企业财务状况分析

    Cash Statement Is the Key to Analyze Financial Status of Enterprises

  19. 对现金流量表分析若干问题的研究

    Study on Some Problems about Analysing the Statement of Cash Folw

  20. 重视现金流量表,规避投资风险

    Laying Emphasis on the Cash Flow Form to Avoid Investment Risks

  21. 现金流量表的编制方法包括直接法和间接法。

    In presenting method , it contains direct and indirect methods .

  22. 现金流量表补充资料的填制与理解

    The Replenish Comprehension of the Additional Materials of Cash Flow Form

  23. 现金流量表是一张具有非常重要作用的报表。

    The statement of cash flows acts a very important part .

  24. 现金流量表编制实务中若干问题的思考

    The Reflection of Some Problems in drawing up the Cash-flow Statement

  25. 现金流量表的编制是会计报表实务中的一个难点。

    Preparation of cash flow statement is a difficult problem in practice .

  26. 谈确保现金流量表编制的正确性

    How to Ensure the Correctness of Drawing up a Cash Flow Table

  27. 医院现金流量表的分析和运用

    To analyze and manage the cash flow form of hospital

  28. 现金流量表编制的几个难点探析

    Probe into Difficult Points to Draw up Cash Flow Table

  29. 关于现金流量表信息的分析与利用

    On the analysis and utilization of cash flow table information

  30. 我国酒店类旅游上市公司现金流量表分析

    Study on the Tables of Flow of Hotel Listed Companies in China