
liú sū
  • tassels;fringe;macrame;purl
流苏 [liú sū]
  • [tassels] 下垂的穗子,装饰在马车、帐幕等上面下垂的穗状物,用五彩羽毛或丝线制成

流苏[liú sū]
  1. 他身上穿的是件印有血红色大花的粗斜纹布衬衫,每当他吐露秘密时,西班牙式的流苏就颤悠

    His fustian shirt , sanguineflowered , trembles its Spanish tassels at his secrets .

  2. 我的窗帘上有蓝色的流苏。

    There are blue tassels on my curtains .

  3. 用镶边、系带和流苏装饰朴素的床罩和窗帘。

    Embellish basic covers and curtains with borders , ties and fringing .

  4. n.流苏我的窗帘上有蓝色的流苏。

    tassel There are blue tassels on my curtains .

  5. 对于更多女性,可以参考Mulberry’s的流苏高跟鞋(450英镑)。

    For a more feminine take , check out Mulberry 's high-heeled moccasin booties with tassels ( 450 ) .

  6. 哇&当艾玛穿着这件大胆的Chanel流苏羽毛礼服走出来的刹那,所有人都大跌眼镜。

    Wow – our jaws hit the floor when Emma stepped out in this daring Chanel fringed and feathered dress .

  7. 她身穿一件无袖及膝连衣裙,裙子的前后装饰有流苏,来自于StellaMcCartney的2013年度假系列。

    Her Stella McCartney sleeveless knee-length dress with fringe details falling across the bodice and back is from the Resort 2013 collection .

  8. 艾希莉·辛普森用她的庸懒的流苏RebeccaMinkoff斜挎包装点她标志性的嬉皮风格。

    Ashlee Simpson demonstrates her signature hippie chic with a fringed , slouchy Rebecca Minkoff cross-body bag .

  9. 在与音乐人丈夫JoshKelley一同颁最佳乡村专辑奖给TaylorSwift后,这位女演员身穿她深V的褶皱炭灰色礼服搭配流苏耳环在背板前摆了个造型。

    After taking the stage with musician hubby Josh Kelley to present best country album to Taylor Swift , the actress strikes a pose in her plunging , draped charcoal gown and tassel earrings .

  10. 伊莎贝尔·埃利泽(ErizédeSouza)以自己名字命名的商店设计古怪,色彩艳丽,专售由她设计的巴洛克手袋(25欧元)和靠垫,前者缀满蕾丝与流苏,后者则饰以混杂着条纹与豹纹的印花图案(27欧元)。

    Kooky and colorful , the namesake shop of Isabelle Eriz é sells her lacy , tasseled Baroque-style handbags ( 25 euros ) and cushions mixing stripes and leopard print ( 27 euros ) .

  11. 帕特里夏:本人购买的第一件米索尼产品就是带长山羊皮流苏的卢勒克斯(Lurex)紫色围巾。

    PU : My first Missoni piece was a purple Lurex scarf with long suede fringes .

  12. 有个最恰当的例子:一直在作品中借鉴中国元素的乔治•阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)本季在其系列中的上衣、礼服和饰品上都添加了漆黑色的流苏。

    Case in point : Giorgio Armani , who has long referenced China in his work , this season included details such as lacquer-black tassels on tops , dresses and accessories in his collection .

  13. 例如,巴黎时装品牌OlympiaLe-Tan制作了带金色流苏的大号学院风棒球帽,意大利品牌莫斯基诺为纯铜的(英文中美出现纯铜)棒球帽设计了标志性的金属字母,并有多种颜色可选。

    For instance , Paris-based fashion house Olympia Le-Tan created slightly oversized school caps with golden tassels , and Italian brand Moschino designed its iconic metallic letters encompassing traditional baseball caps with different color options .

  14. 在香奈儿(Chanel),卡尔•拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)通常令人吃惊的简练手法被剪影的观念搞乱了,于是,裙子从腋下到膝盖都竖满了羽毛、流苏和装饰布料。

    At Chanel , Karl Lagerfeld 's normally startlingly light hand got tangled up in the idea of profile , and so dresses came bristling with feathers , fringes and drapery from the underarm to the knee .

  15. 金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。

    The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness .

  16. 毕业之后我们把流苏挪到左边

    And when we graduated we move the tassel to the left

  17. 硝酸镧对流苏石斛试管苗生长的影响

    Effects of lanthanum nitrate on growth of Dendrobium fimbriatum tube seedling

  18. 北美洲产的一种紫穗玉凤花,具有香味,有紫色流苏的花。

    North American orchid with clusters of fragrant purple fringed flowers .

  19. 鸡麻和流苏属两年种子的范畴。

    Seeds of Chionanthus retusa and Rhodotypos scandens belong to two-year seed .

  20. 短的花瓣边缘全缘或流苏状和啮蚀状下部。

    Petal margin entire or shortly fimbriate and erose proximally .

  21. “真漂亮。”他抚摩着腰带上流苏重复说。

    " It 's beautiful ," he repeated , fingering the fringe .

  22. 欧洲和中国的龙胆,有乳白色的花和带流苏的花冠。

    Gentian of Europe and China having creamy white flowers with fringed corollas .

  23. 内华达山脉的一种小形、有流苏的、蓝色花。

    Small blue-flowered fringed gentian of Sierra Nevada mountains .

  24. 但别买黑底紫色流苏的,她已经有了双

    But not the black ones with the purple trim.She already has those .

  25. 一块粗麻布被染红、缝上流苏,做成了一块雅致的地毯。

    A piece of hessian dyed red , fringed , made an elegant carpet .

  26. 毕业生领受毕业证书的时候,会把帽子上的流苏甩到另一边。

    When graduates get their diplomas , they flip the tassels on their caps .

  27. 这些大树披垂着一根根葡萄藤,好像王冠上垂下来的流苏。

    Hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape-vines .

  28. 桌布边缘缀有流苏。

    The tablecloth has tassels around its border .

  29. 美洲夏季开花的几种兰花之一,因有流苏或撕裂状的唇瓣而易识别。

    Any of several summer-flowering American orchids distinguished by a fringed or lacerated lip .

  30. 沿边线打击的直线球沿着床罩边沿的流苏

    Down-the-line shot a fringe round the edge