
  • 网络source of working capital
  1. 梁镇邦表示,恒大集团获得的新信用额度会在一定程度上为该公司提供另一种流动资金来源,但该公司已经负债累累。

    Mr. Leung said that Evergrande 's new credit lines would help give it another source of liquidity but that the company was already heavily indebted .

  2. 流动商的资金来源渠道和投资方向多样化,上市方式也灵活多变,远距离流动强度增大,平均滞留时间较长,并出现常住化趋势,在地域空间上呈现大分散、小集中的分布格局。

    At the same time , the mobile traders manifest diversified sources and orientations of invest , flexible travelling market patterns , increasingly raising long distance mobility , gradually extending average detention time , permanent residence trend and general dispersion and local concentration in spatial patterns .

  3. 然而,我国资本市场发展的现状决定了开放式基金不得不面对高流动性的资金来源与低流动性的资产相匹配而引发的结构性矛盾,基金的流动性风险格外突出。

    However , under the current state of capital market , open-end fund has to be confronted with the structural conflict resulted from the incompatibility between the capital with a high liquidity and the assets with a low liquidity , which highlights the liquidity risk of the fund .