
  • 网络Time;currency
  1. 对于目前的逆变焊机来说,网侧输入电流的流通时间很短,输入电流是尖峰状,呈现严重非正弦特征。

    As for the inverter welding machine , the time of the input current is very short , the shape of it is a sharp waveform , showing the character of non-sine wave at the AC input side .

  2. 该系统基本上可以实现医院药品库房管理的自动化,很大程度上缩短了药品的流通时间,提高了药品库房的工作效率,减轻了工作人员的工作负担,给所有患者和整个医院系统带来了便利。

    Basically , the system can automate the management , shorten the time for the drug flow to a large extent and increase the efficiency , thereby reducing the workload of the staff and bringing convenience to all patients as well as the hospital system .

  3. 对于限制流通时间的流通股,笔者提出了三个模型进行估值,分别是两阶段调整要求收益率模型、Longstaff模型和期权定价模型。

    As for the former , three models are proposed for their valuation , i.e. two-phase adjusted required rate of return model , Longstaff model and option model .

  4. 随着网络经济和电子商务的发展,商品交易时间已等于或趋近于零,未来物流时间将占到流通时间的90%。

    Along with the development of network economy and E-business , the trade time of goods had already been equal to or bordering on zero . Logistics will account for 90 % of circulation time in future .

  5. 具备畅通无阻的集疏运系统,可直接推动港口物流的发展,扩大港口腹地辐射范围,提高码头装卸速度,加强车船周转,确保商品按时送达,缩短商品流通时间等。

    If port have unimpeded collecting and distributing system , which can be directly promote the development of port throughput , expand port hinterland scope , improving unloading speed , strengthen the vans turnover , ensure goods delivered on time , shorten the commodity circulation time and so on .

  6. 图书流通量统计时间序列的非线性特性

    Nonlinear Characteristics of Statistical Time Sequence of Circulation Quantity in Library

  7. 连续流通与节拍时间相匹配,无停滞地在工序中生产部件。

    Continuous flow produces items within a process without stagnation matching takt time .

  8. 第二种方式,首先让瓦斯流通一段时间,然后得到更大的火焰。

    In the other way , you let the gas run for awhile , so that when you add the gas you get a much bigger boom .

  9. 旅行支票通常是小面额,比如十、二十美元,五、十英镑,用于零星支付,在流通中没有时间限制。

    Traveler ´ s checks are generally of small face value , such as ten or twenty dollars , five or ten pounds , for miscellaneous payments .

  10. 本文用有压管道水击理论,解释了垂直饱和土柱出流通量随时间变化滞后于土柱顶部输入水头阶跃变化的原因。

    The hysteresis phenomenon , that the variation of soil water output flux at the bottom of a vertical saturated column is lagged behind the step changing input from the top , is explained according to the water hammer theory .

  11. 供应链物流能力:流通量和响应时间测算模型

    Calculating model for the circulation and response time in supply chains

  12. 为客户减少流通环节,争取时间,节约资金,并可为客户代办运输,方便客户提货。

    To reduce the flow of customers link for the time savings , and to help transport clients to facilitate customer withdrawals .

  13. 个别售盐点的食盐含碘量偏低,这可能与流通中碘盐存放时间过长或可能与有售非碘盐有关。

    The content of iodine was low in some samples , which may be due to the long time storage and mixing with non-iodine salt .

  14. 这些问题造成了农产品从产地到消费者手中的流通过程成本过高、流通时间过长、流通损耗过大等问题,成为制约农民增收和农业发展的重要因素。

    These problems which cause a high cost distribution process and long circulation time of the agricultural products from the origin to consumers , restrict farmers ' income and agricultural development .

  15. 这种创新框架的意义在于:第一,减少了许多流通的中间环节,实行供应链管理,可以节约交易费用和组织运行成本,减少农产品流通时间;

    First , it can reduce the management cost , shorten circulating time , save transaction cost ;