
  1. 基于FPGA的高速高阶流水线工作FFT设计

    High-speed and High-order Assembly Line FFT Design Based on FPGA

  2. 该系统以FPGA作为核心CPU,设计完成了对采集数据的累加滤波和存储的流水线工作方式。设计中采用Top-dowm的方法,将设计分成几个模块。

    This system uses FPGA as the core CPU . The design completed the pipeline processing of accumulating and storing .

  3. 基于基2固定几何结构的FFT算法的基本原理提出了其高速流水线工作方式的实现方案,给出其MATLAB仿真过程及与传统FFT算法和MATLAB中的FFT函数仿真结果的比较。

    On the foundation of the principle of fixed geometric structure FFT method , a high-speed and high-order pipeline method FFT is introduced and simulated in MATLAB .

  4. 本文通过阐述流水线工作原理,并将其用到PLD设计中。

    In this paper , authors introduced a principle of flow work , and use the principle on PLD design .

  5. 为了加快科学级CCD相机图像数据的计算机采集速度,设计了CCD信号读出、A/D转换、数据传输流水线工作方式采集系统,不提高电荷转移速度的情况下快速采集图像。

    To increase the speed of data acquisition of CCD image by computer , an pipelining mode acquisition system of CCD readout , A / D conversion and data transfer is designed .

  6. 按这种方法设计的8×8乘法器所需器件数少于3000个,采用2μMCMOS工艺可以达到100MHz以上的流水线工作频率。

    A 8 × 8 bit multipler according to this method requires less than 3000 devices and can work at the frequency greater than 100 MHz using 2 μ m CMOS technology .

  7. 叙述了FNT的基本概念和电路结构,说明了用FNT实现一个8点5位基2流水线工作方式卷积器的方法,介绍了适用于FNT硬件逻辑的新码。

    This paper describes the basic concept and circuit structure of FNT , demonstrates the method by which we implemented a 8 point 5 bit FNT convolver with a base 2 pipeline architecture , and introduces a kind of new code fitting for FNT hardware logic .

  8. 你因在流水线工作打瞌睡而被解雇

    You got fired off the assembly line ' cause you fell asleep on the job ,

  9. 最终提供了一整套由投影文件切片纹理体数据绘制的流水线工作模式。

    Finally , ft provides a full set of pipeline working mode , consisting of projection files-slice texture-volume data render .

  10. 本文以收录机装配流水线工作研究为例,讨论了工作研究在流水线上应用的步骤和方法。

    This Paper discusses the general procedure and method of work study on assembly line through a radio recorder assembly line instance .

  11. 流水线工作:产品生产的一种方法或工序:生产时,原材料不断进入生产线,成品不断下线。很多铁姆肯公司轴承生产厂都采用流水线生产。

    CONTINUOUS PROCESS : A method of processing or production in which raw materials are continuously fed in and finished products continuously drawn off without interrupting operations .

  12. 本论文提出了一种以模拟开关来改变基准电压,以流水线工作模式运行的两步比较A/D新方案。

    A novel technique of pipelined two - step analog-to-digital convertion , which is based on changing reference voltage by controlled analog switches , is introduced in the pa-per .

  13. 采用流水线的工作方式,在编码和解码端均有两片DSP并行来完成编码和解码。

    There are both two DSPs to accomplish the encoding and decoding with pipeline technique in the encoder and decoder .

  14. 采用四个基4蝶形单元并行处理的结构,内部为流水线的工作方式,有效提高了FFT处理器的运算速度。

    There are four Radix-4 butterfly units in the partly parallel pipeline structure , so the speed of FFT is improved effectively .

  15. 近年来,随着电源电压的不断降低以及深亚微米技术带来的限制,功耗正成为限制流水线ADC工作性能的最大障碍。

    But in recent years , with the decreasing supply voltage and the constraint in deep submicron technology , power consumption is becoming the biggest obstacle of pipeline ADCs .

  16. 从流水线ADC工作原理出发,对误差进行了分析,指出了主要原因,介绍了数字校正技术和电容误差平均技术,并结合数字校正技术和电容误差平均技术提出了解决方法。

    In the light of the principle of pipeline ADC , this paper analyzes the error , points out the main reason , introduces digital error-correction technology and capacitor error-averaging technology , and proposes a solution based on these technologies .

  17. 本文着重按照流水线的工作流程具体讨论了CPU各基本模块的工作原理和设计实现方法,大致介绍了外围常用基本模块,最后就MCU的中断系统进行了详细的描述。

    This article emphatically discusses the working principle and design method of each CPU basic module through the process of the CPU pipeline , then approximately introduces the periphery commonly used basic module , finally carries on the detailed description on the MCU interruption system .

  18. 麻省理工大学(MIT)的戴维•奥托尔(DavidAuto)指出,电脑时代自动化的主要影响不是因为夺走了蓝领工人的岗位,而是在于摧毁了能被简化成流水线所有工作岗位。

    David Autor , of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) , points out that the main effect of automation in the computer era is not that it destroys blue-collar jobs but that it destroys any job that can be reduced to a routine .

  19. 我从未在流水线上工作过,从未大规模生产过任何东西。

    I 've never worked on an assembly line before to mass-produce anything .

  20. 他是在流水线上工作的员工。

    He is a worker on an assembly line .

  21. 流水线装配工作特征知觉与满意感

    Perception of job Characteristics and Satisfaction

  22. 在后方家中,外祖母养育着他们的孩子,并在一条轰炸机流水线上工作。

    Back home , my grandmother raised their baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line .

  23. 本论文基于全定制设计方式,详细论述了以两级流水线方式工作的8位精简指令集微控制器的设计。

    This thesis has a detailed discussion on the design of an 8-bit RISC MCU with a two-level pipeline which is based on full-custom design flow .

  24. 他们不介意在工厂工作,戴朝阳说,只要不让他们在流水线上工作就好。

    They do not mind working in a factory environment , Mr. Dai said , as long as they are not working on the assembly line .

  25. 他们的父辈在农村干惯了农活,并不觉得工厂流水线的工作有多枯燥。

    This is a marked change from their parents , who had migrated from farms and paddy fields and did not consider working on an assembly line to be drudgery .

  26. 网络机器人就象在流水线上工作,不断焊接同样装置的机器人一样,它们被程序控制在网络上反复执行同样的任务。

    Network robots look like the robots that are working on the product line and sealing the same set continuously . They are performing the same task by the software function in the Internet .

  27. 有一位在装配流水线上工作的工人,每天加班加点以确保公司正常运营,而他的老板不是解雇他而是给他更高的薪水。

    I see it in the worker on the assembly line who clocked extra shifts to keep his company open , and the boss who pays him higher wages instead of laying him off .

  28. 生产流水线上的工作很单调,缺乏多样性。

    Work on the production line is monotonous and lacks variety .

  29. 经历了漫长而艰难的求职期,而他接到的几份聘任书全都是从事流水线上的工作。

    After a long , hard job search , the only offers he was getting were on assembly lines .

  30. 本论文详细介绍了一次镗削成型机床的基本结构、工作原理、控制方法,及自动化流水线控制机构工作原理和实现方法。

    This paper introduced a series of molding machine structure , working principle and control method , and automatic assembly line control principle and realization method .