
  • 网络the liuxi river
  1. 发展特色规模旅游项目,促进广州旅游支柱产业成长&流溪河森林公园发展狩猎综合旅游项目为例

    Developing the Feature Scale tourism Items to Promote the Growth of Guangzhou Tourism Leading Industry

  2. 流溪河防洪整治工程是广州市的一项重点工程。

    Liuxihe flood control and regulating project is one of the key projects of Guangzhou City .

  3. 小村四周山峰俊秀,层林叠翠,清冽的流溪河蜿蜒而过。

    Surrounding the small village are graceful mountains , emerald green layers of forests , and with clear streams and rivers wiggling by .

  4. 东江和流溪河三河水分流之处,是东江重要支流――新丰江的源头。

    East River and the river diversion Liuxihe three of the problem is an important tributary of the East River-the source of Xinfengjiang .

  5. 为了进一步探讨灌区渠首枢纽自动化管理技术,在广州市流溪河灌区大坳渠首枢纽进行了自动化系统应用研究。

    For studying irrigation canal headwork auto-management technology , author researched the application of automation management system in the Da-ao canal headwork in Liu-xi river irrigation district , Guangzhou city .