
  • 网络Liu Wei;Keven
  1. 刘炜(国家队队员):其实,姚明每天吃2只干酪汉堡包,我只吃1个。

    LIU WEI : Actually , Yao Ming ate two cheeseburgers every day while I had one .

  2. 刘炜(上海大鲨鱼队、国家队队员,姚明最要好的朋友):我和姚明第一次见面是在中学的篮球场上,我们是对手。

    Yao and I met for the first time on the basketball court in middle school , playing against each other .

  3. 回归传统,表现了刘炜对中国思想中人与自然和谐共处的认同。

    This deliberate return to classical painting demonstrates his embrace of the Chinese philosophy that nature and humans should live in harmony with one another .

  4. 刘炜这代的画家都抱持戏谑心态,希望揭发真相,批判看来谦恭有礼的表象或是直指先前神圣不可侵犯的题材。

    The uniting roguish impulse of Liu 's generation led these artists to seek to reveal the truth of situations beneath polite surfaces and previously unassailable subjects .

  5. 对刘炜来说,社会规范与人的本性永远矛盾,其中的破坏力在肉身崩坏中展现了出来。

    For Liu , social norms are at perpetual odds with essential human impulses , a tension which ultimately finds release through the corruption of mortal flesh .

  6. 在这两幅画作之间,我们已能看出技巧的嬗变,象徵了刘炜及其一辈对传统的狐疑。

    Already between the two paintings , we see the evolution of this technique , symbolizing Liu ( and his generation 's ) distrust of the legacy they were inheriting .

  7. 自《水调歌头》系列起,刘炜便开始特别精确严谨地绘画人物的肌肉,以加强观众对作品发自内心的感受的情感共鸣。

    With his Swimming series , Liu has begun especially to treat the flesh of the body with a kind of exactitude meant to exaggerate the viewer 's visceral reaction to the painting .

  8. 主力组织后卫刘炜年龄过大,已将要淡出国家队,而他的替补队员还很年轻,缺乏大赛经验,对抗能力不强。

    The main point guard Liu Ye was preparing to leave the national team because of old age while his substitutes were still young and lack of both experiences in events and offensive power .

  9. 刘炜是中国「玩世现实主义」的重要成员。这一派画家经历了1990年代的动荡不安,脱颖而出,成为最具远见、最直观的社会观察者。

    Lot Notes Liu Wei is considered a member of China 's so-called " Cynical Realists ", painters who emerged from the malaise of the1990s as some of China 's most insightful and intuitive social observers .