
  1. 刘浩的黑陶既是传统的,更是现代的。

    Liu Hao 's black Ceramic is not only traditional but also modern .

  2. 北京一对年轻夫妇刘浩和王妮由于入不敷出,只能靠父母为他们提供大量经济支持。

    One young Beijing couple , for example , Liu Hao and Wang Ni , rely heavily on financial support from their parents , as their monthly outgoings surpass their income .

  3. 此外,刘浩的母亲有时还打电话叫他们起床,每周末去给他们做饭、洗衣服、打扫卫生、甚至帮他们处理一些帐单。

    In addition , Liu 's mother sometimes has to call to wake them for work , and she makes regular weekend visits to take care of their cooking , washing , cleaning and even pays their bills .