
  1. 新闻司副司长刘建超主持了吹风会。

    Deputy Director General Liu Jianchao of the Information Department of Chinese Foreign Ministry hosted the briefing .

  2. 刘建超指出,中方已多次表明,目前中法关系出现困难的原因和责任在法方。

    " We have said repeatedly that the responsibility for the current difficulty lies in the French side ," Liu said .

  3. 在例行的外交部新闻发布会上,刘建超拒绝就中国是否会继续进行反卫星试验发表评论。

    At a scheduled Foreign Ministry press conference , Mr Liu declined to comment on whether China would conduct further anti-satellite tests .

  4. 中国驻菲律宾大使刘建超则要求菲律宾在没有得到中国允许的情况下停止所有的石油勘探活动。

    Liu Jianchao , the Chinese Ambassador in Manila , called upon the Philippines to halt all oil exploration without Beijing 's prior consent .

  5. “中国和日本将会在2月22到23日在北京举行第八次双方政策会谈。”中国外交部发言人刘建超在星期三宣布了此消息。

    China and Japan will hold their eighth strategic dialogue in Beijing from Feb.22 to23 , Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao announced on Wednesday .

  6. 外交部发言人刘建超在北京的一次新闻发布会上表示,“法方对中方的原则立场和重大关切是清楚的”。

    " France is clear about China 's principled stance and major concerns ," the spokesman , Liu Jianchao , told a news conference in Beijing .

  7. 尽管相对而言,刘建超的讲话受到中国外交措辞标准的约束,但其突显中国官员的一种普遍看法:即美国正利用国家安全方面的考虑,为保护主义寻找借口。

    While relatively restrained by Chinese diplomatic standards , Mr Liu 's comments highlighted a sense widespread among Beijing officials that the US was using national security concerns to justify protectionism .

  8. 刘建超还表示,他没有听说中国将减少对朝粮食及能源援助的任何举措。美国一直鼓励中国采取上述做法,以此迫使平壤在核问题上让步。

    Mr Liu also said he was unaware of any moves by China to reduce its food or energy aid to North Korea , something the US has long encouraged it to do as a lever to bring Pyongyang to heel on the nuclear issue .

  9. 至于中国是否会重新考虑在可能实施的联合国第三轮制裁方面的立场,刘建超并未发表置评。联合国制裁伊朗的目的是,迫使伊朗公布核计划细节,并确保伊朗无法达到制造核武器的目的。

    Mr Liu did not comment on whether China might rethink its position on a possible third round of UN sanctions to force Tehran to disclose details of its nuclear programme and to ensure it does not achieve the capability to produce a nuclear bomb .