
  • 网络xin
刘歆 [liú xīn]
  • [Liu Xin] 西汉人,数学家,对历法和圆周率有研究

  1. 礼制的重建:刘歆争立古文经的再认识

    Reestablishment of rites : on Liu Xin 's promoting confucian classics

  2. 论刘向刘歆父子校书编目的指导思想

    On the Guiding Thought of Liu Xiang and Liu Xin in Correcting and Cataloging Books

  3. 本论文主要围绕刘歆的经学思想进行论述。

    This paper elaborates on LiuXin 's thought concerning the study of Confucian Classics .

  4. 刘歆是刘向的儿子。哀帝时,他接替了父亲的工作。

    During the reign of Emperor Aidi , his son Liu Xin took over his job .

  5. 刘歆的校订对于扩大《山海经》在两汉传播亦有贡献。

    Liu Xin revised The Classic of Mountains and Rivers , which contributed to the wide spreading in Han Dynasty .

  6. 刘歆为西汉王朝宗室,又为王莽新朝功臣,是学术造诣高深的经学家,又是将儒家理想制度付诸实践的改革家。

    Liu Xin was a member of the royal family in Western Han , and an important official in Wang Mang 's new court .

  7. 从西汉初年到扬雄、刘歆,四言诗体赋呈现着不断发展和完善的特色。

    From the early period of West Han Dynasty to the time of Yang Xiong and Liu Xin , four-sentence literary works increasingly develop and become perfect .

  8. 刘向、刘歆父子所编辑校正的“六艺”、诸子百家、诗赋等,篇目明晰,思想宗旨详明而大观。

    " Six Arts ", various schools of Masters , the poetry and so on , edited and corrected by Liu Xiang and his son Liu Xin , are lucid in writing and elaborate in thoughts .