
  • 网络Picaresque;the picaresque novel
  1. 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《在路上》与流浪汉小说

    Adventure of Huckleberry Finn , on the Road and Picaresque Novel

  2. 《西游记》与西方流浪汉小说之比较

    Comparative Study of Journey to the west and Western Picaresque Novel

  3. 《麦田里的守望者》与美国流浪汉小说

    On The Catcher in the Rye and American Picaresque Novel

  4. 中国的“流浪汉小说”是随着20世纪90代的社会转型而兴盛的。

    With the transition of society in the nineties tramps novel emerged in China .

  5. 《西游记》是我国四大古典名著之一,而流浪汉小说是西方文学史上的一个重要流派。

    Journey to the West is one of the four Chinese classic literature masterpieces .

  6. 论《雨王汉德森》对传统流浪汉小说的继承与超越

    On Henderson the Rain King 's Inheritance of and Transcendence Over Traditional Picaresque Novel

  7. 流浪汉小说的审美特征

    On the Aesthetic Characteristics of Roamer Novels

  8. 流浪汉小说简论

    The Brief Discussion of Picaresque Novel

  9. 在数百年的艺术演变进程中,流浪汉小说逐渐形成了独具一格的艺术模式。

    In the process of art evolvement of hundreds of years , picaresque novel formed gradually the larruping art mode .

  10. 因此本论文认为,流浪汉小说的确有着巨大的艺术生命力和艺术影响力,值得我们深入研究。

    Based on this , this paper assumes that the picaresque novel has its alive artistic vitality and great artistic influence .

  11. 十八世纪末期和十九世纪初叶,曾经备受青睐的流浪汉小说沉寂了将近三十年。

    In last phase of 18th century and the beginning of 19th century , the popular picaresque novels were dead silent nearly 30 years .

  12. 本文将《雨王汉德森》与西方传统流浪汉小说进行诸如人物塑造、流浪模式、叙事结构、艺术手法、流浪结局等方面的细致比较。

    This paper focuses on the comparison between the modern and traditional picaresque novel in characterization , picaresque model , narrative structure , artistic style and picaresque ending .

  13. 小说以英雄神话为写作框架,对亨利·菲尔丁的流浪汉小说和传统史诗的固有模式进行故意模仿。

    In the fourth chapter of my thesis , elaboration is on the parody of traditional literary forms including Henry Fielding 's picaresque novels , traditional epic and the hero myth .

  14. 人类追寻精神通过艺术审美途径被转译为中外文学中一个基本的母题模式。流浪汉小说是其最浅易、最显明的母题表述图式。

    The spirit of questing transfers into a basic model in literature by artistic aesthetics , in which the novels about vagrants are the most simple and most obvious expression of the topic .

  15. 《摩尔.弗兰德斯》是英国小说之父笛福的一部重要作品之一,同时又是英国小说史上一部重要的流浪汉小说。

    Moll Flanders is one of the most important works of Daniel Defoe who is the father of English novel . It is one of the most significant picaresque novels in the history of English novels , as well .