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  • Macbeth
  1. 《麦克白》讲述的是一个苏格兰士兵当上了国王,却毁于自己的野心。

    Macbeth is the story of a Scottish soldier who becomes king but is undone by his own ambition .

  2. “那么你在第一年时学了《麦克白》?”——“不,第一年我们学的是《恺撒大帝》。”

    So you did ' Macbeth ' in the first year ? ' — ' No , in the first year we did ' Julius Caesar ' . '

  3. 他的文章引用了《麦克白》中的一句话作为开头。

    His essay begins with a citation from ' Macbeth ' .

  4. 克莱尔衣服的结构就是她的盔甲,想一想麦克白夫人(LadyMacbeth)。

    The structure in Claire 's clothes is her armor . Think Lady Macbeth . '

  5. 医生们推荐的一种方法是勤洗手,要和麦克白夫人(ladymacbeth)洗得一样勤快,而且要克制住不用手指抠鼻子。

    One way , recommended by doctors , is to wash your hands as often as Lady Macbeth and to refrain from sticking your fingers into your nose .

  6. 第三章描述了麦克白夫人和鲍西娅的“打破”沉默。

    Chapter Three illustrates Lady Macbeth and Portia 's si Mice-breaking .

  7. 麦克白夫人听说邓肯国王来访,感到震惊。

    Lady Macbeth is startled at the news of Duncan visit .

  8. 我认为她演的麦克白夫人堪称一绝。

    I thought her Lady Macbeth was a tour de force .

  9. 有一个显赫的爵士,或称贵族,名叫麦克白。

    There lived a great thane , or lord , called Macbeth .

  10. 在由封建王权所主导的话语系统中,野心就是罪孽,麦克白因而被贴上了恶魔的标签。

    Its unique discourse labeled ambition as evil and thus doomed Macbeth .

  11. 我没想到《麦克白》在市政厅上演。

    I didn 't realize that'macbeth'was playing at the guildhall .

  12. 人格的悲剧:麦克白夫妇的心理分析

    The tragedy of personality : Psychological analysis of the Macbeths

  13. 麦克白是莎士比亚对邪恶最深邃而成熟的想象。

    Macbeth is Shakespeare 's most profound and mature vision of evil .

  14. 麦克白遇见女巫的地方是一片荒原。

    The place where Macbeth met the witches was a desolate heath .

  15. 麦克白夫人好好照顾他;他带来了重大消息。

    LADY MACBETH : Give him tending ; He brings great news .

  16. 麦克白堕落之悲剧&《麦克白》中对照手法浅析

    The tragic degradation of Macbeth : a survey on contrasts in Macbeth

  17. 麦克白女士可能会劝说他杀了邓肯。

    Lady Macbeth may have convinced him to kill duncan .

  18. 部具有《麦克白》和《哈姆雷特》特点的剧作。

    A play in the tradition of Macbeth and hamlet .

  19. 在《麦克白》时,如此超自然的德行,却被搁在超自然的邪恶一旁。

    In Macbeth this supernatural grace is set beside the supernatural evil .

  20. 这将是麦克白的悲剧!

    It 's going to be the tragedy of Macbeth !

  21. 瘦身专家克里斯.麦克白是美国加州好莱坞的一个私人教练。

    Fitness Expert Chris McCombs is a Personal Trainer in Hollywood California .

  22. 唤醒沉睡的父亲&论《麦克白》中的恐怖想象

    Arousing the Sleeping Father & On the " horrible imaginings " in Macbeth

  23. 现在麦克白的邪恶催使自己去干一桩绝对罪恶的行动。

    Now this evil in Macbeth propels him to an act absolutely evil .

  24. 惨遭欲望围困的灵魂&《麦克白》和《琼斯皇》主题评析

    Souls Besieged by Desires : A Thematic Survey on Macbeth and Emperor Jones

  25. 甚至热情的阿加特,都承认你擅长于扮演麦克白。

    Even the flaming Agate , was agreed that you excelled as Macbeth .

  26. 在妻子的怂恿下,麦克白计划谋杀他的国王。

    Egged on by his wife , Macbeth planned to murder his king .

  27. 《麦克白》中的对照手法及其修辞效果

    The Contrast Device in Macbeth and Its Rhetoric Effects

  28. 莎剧《麦克白》中的女性形象

    Women in Shakespeare 's Macbeth Drama in two acts

  29. 他以前叫我麦克白夫人。

    He used to call me his Lady Macbeth .

  30. 《麦克白》的怪诞,幻异,超越其它悲剧。

    Macbeth is fantastical and imaginative beyond other tragedies .