
  • 网络Madison;madison county
  1. 沃茨担任主持人;威斯康星州麦迪逊县兼职橄榄球教练格雷格·华盛顿(GregWashington)鼓励男人们分享孩子们的照片。

    Mr. Watts played master of ceremonies , while Greg Washington , a part-time football coach in Madison , Wis . , encouraged men to share photos of their children .

  2. 在依阿华州麦迪逊县悄悄进行的寻访;

    Research carried out quietly in Madison County , Iowa ;

  3. 夜幕降临麦迪逊县。

    Night had come to Madison County .

  4. 但现在麦迪逊县已是她的家,她不想再回去了。

    But Madison County was home now , and she had no longing to go back ' again .

  5. 于是他爱上了弗朗西丝卡.约翰逊&多年前来自那不勒斯的、依阿华州麦迪逊县的农夫之妻。

    And he fell in love with Francesca Johnson , farmer 's wife , of Madison County , Iowa , long ago from Naples .

  6. 火葬在麦迪逊县是一件不寻常的事多少被看作是激进行为因此她这一遗愿引起了咖啡馆和加油站还有执行人的不少议论。

    Cremation was an uncommon practice in Madison County viewed as slightly radical in some undefined way-and her wish generated considerable discussion at the cafe , the Texaco station , and the implement dealership .

  7. 从一开始她从来没有怀疑过不管他们俩做什么,至少她有一部分是可以保持超越于罗伯特。金凯之上的,那一部分属于她的家庭和麦迪逊县。

    She never had doubted at the beginning that one part of her could remain aloof from whatever she and Robert Kincaid did , the part that belonged to her family and life in Madison county .