
mài miáo
  • wheat seedling
麦苗 [mài miáo]
  • [wheat's seedling] 麦作物的幼苗

  1. 春天,一层层的梯田里长满金黄色的油菜花,绿油油的麦苗,老远看上去,像一条条彩色的链子。

    Spring , one covered with layers of terraced fields where golden rape , green wheat seedling , far away look , like a chain of color .

  2. 由于麦苗切段对HSO3~-的反应与整株植物受SO2伤害的反应基本相同,所以可作为研究植物SO2伤害的模式系统。

    Since the response of segments of wheat seedling to HSO_3 ~ - was the same as that of intact plants to SO_2 , it was suggested that the seedling segments treated with HSO_3 ~ - may be used as a model system for further research .

  3. 麦苗出得很好。

    The wheat sprouts are growing very evenly .

  4. 下了一场雨,麦苗立刻见长。

    The wheat sprouts grew perceptibly after the rain .

  5. 麦苗一片葱绿。

    The wheat shoots are a lush green .

  6. NaCl对小麦苗叶片脯氨酸氧化酶活性和游离脯氨酸累积的影响

    The Effect of NaCl on Proline Oxidase Activity and Free Proline Content in Leaves of Wheat Seedlings

  7. 2,4-D对麦苗的刺激、抑制和致瘤效应的研究

    A study on stimulation , inhibition and nodulation of wheat seedlings by 2 , 4-D

  8. 低浓度2,4-D溶液作用于麦苗的不同部位,产生不同的生理效应。

    A lowly-concentrated solution of 2,4-D acting on different parts of Wheat seedlings produced different physiological effects .

  9. 研究了大麦麦苗粉经60Coγ射线辐照杀菌效果以及对其主要成分的影响。

    Radiation decontamination of barley plant powder by 60Co γ - rays and the effect on its components were studied .

  10. 经11kGy辐照处理的麦苗粉,其主要成分蛋白质、总糖、游离总氨基酸、粗纤维无显著性差异,其维生素E的含量下降约38%。

    Barley seedling powder , irradiated with 11 kGy , did not have obvious changes in main chemical components , including protein , total polysaccharide , free amino acid , crude fiber , while vitamin E reduced by 38 % .

  11. 严重冰冻后的麦苗织组只释放乙烷,再加入CuSO4,促进乙烯产生同时减少乙烷生成。

    After severe freezing , wheat seedlings evolved ethane only . When CuSO_4was added , a release of ethylene was started , while ethane production decreased .

  12. 利用无土栽培的方法培育大麦苗,采13~17cm大麦苗榨取新鲜大麦苗汁,观察其生物保健效应。

    Using fresh juice from 13 ~ 17cm barley seedlings to detect the biologic health effect of barley seedling coming from no soil culture .

  13. 城里人往往分不清麦苗和野草。

    City people often can 't distinguish young wheat from weeds .

  14. 大地复苏,麦苗返青。

    Wheat seedlings turn green as the earth comes back to life .

  15. 富锗大麦苗对小鼠急性肝损伤的保护作用

    Hepatoprotective Function of Germanium-rich Barley Seedling in Mice with Acute Hepatic Injury

  16. 苦荞麦苗黄酮类化合物清除二苯代苦味酰肼自由基的作用

    The Effect of Flavonoids Extracted from Tartary Buckwheat Seedlings on DPPH Elimination

  17. 苦荞麦苗提取物微胶囊化固体饮料的研制

    Solid Drink Extracted from Tartary Buckwheat with Microencapsulation Techniques

  18. 大麦麦苗粉辐射杀菌工艺研究

    γ - ray radiation decontamination of barley plant powder

  19. 研究苦荞麦苗黄酮超声提取方法。

    Ultrasound-assisted extraction for the flavonoids-enriched extract from tartary buckwheat seedling was investigated .

  20. 田野上,麦苗返青,一望无边,仿佛绿色的波浪。

    Fields , green a boundless hope , as if the green wave .

  21. 他对麦苗和韭菜总是辨别不清。

    He is always confusing wheat with leek .

  22. 堆放时间和干燥方法对麦苗营养品质的影响

    Effects of Storing Time and Drying Methods on Nutrition Quality of Barley Young Vegetative

  23. 结果表明,辐照处理可有效地杀灭麦苗粉中的菌落总数、霉菌、大肠菌群。

    Results showed that irradiation was very effective in killing microorganisms in barley seedling powder .

  24. 此外夏播小麦在科研与生产上都具有一定意义,浮小麦和麦苗都有利用价值。

    Sowing in the summer has great significance both in production and scientific research work .

  25. 小麦孢囊线虫病瘿瘤密度对麦苗生长的影响

    Effects of Root Knot Density of Heterodera avenae Woll . Disease on Seedling Growth in Wheat

  26. 妹妹赶紧倒了篮子里的麦苗,拉起我就往家跑。

    Sister immediately emptied my basket , took my hands and went home with me quickly .

  27. 介绍利用水培麦苗大量饲养麦蚜的技术。

    A method for mass culture of wheat aphids was developed using wheat seedling as forage .

  28. 盐胁迫下小麦苗叶片吡咯-5-羧酸还原酶活性和游离脯氨酸积累吡咯烷生物碱新手性合成子的合成

    Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Reductase Activity and Free Proline Accumulation in Leaves of Triticum aestivum Seedlings Under Salt Stress

  29. 结论:富锗大麦苗在体内和体外都有明显的抑制肿瘤增殖的作用。

    Conclusion : GEBS can obviously inhibit the growth of tumor in vivo and in vitro .

  30. 高效唑浸种明显提高小麦幼苗抗低温胁迫能力,使麦苗在低温下生长受阻减轻;

    Soaking seed with high effect triazol could obviously increase wheat seedling 's to resist low temperature .